Chapter 24 - A Change of Heart

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART TWO: Memories That Don't Seem To Fade

Chapter 24 - A Change of Heart

James sat next to his sister on her bed, laying a gentle hand on her arm. "You will be fine," he comforted her, "and it will be over in a matter of minutes."

Ally scoffed, giving him a disbelieving roll of her eyes. "Not gonna work. My decision still stands, go without me."

He chuckled softly. "I can't very well introduce my sister to my men without a sister."

Ally gave him a reluctant smile, knowing that he was right, but made no move to admit such aloud.

James grabbed her elbow and pulled her up with him as he stood to his feet. "Come on, the quicker we begin, the quicker we finish."

She scowled. "What are you, a fortune cookie?"

He laughed. "That's where I got it from, yes."

"You are incorrigible."

James was not slighted by the insult in the least. "And you, my lady, are full of compliments today."

"Don't go fishing for them now," she muttered before pulling her arm from her brother's grip. "And you don't have to lead me around like a child. I am fully capable of walking on my own."

He held up his hands innocently as Ally brushed past him. "I'm sorry?"

She huffed. "You should be."

A frown pulled at James' brow, his eyebrows furrowing. He watched his sister as she marched ahead of him, puzzled. He was unsure of how to interact with her now that she was a part of both the worlds he called his own. It had always been so easy to treat her only as the little sister he had to protect when she resided only in his sham of a normal life. However, now she had intruded upon his life as a gang leader as well. Was he to revert back to their previous, relaxed relationship where they joked as siblings or was he to assert rules upon her as a gang member would?

At that moment, Ally twirled around to give him a pointed look. "Are you coming or not, slow poke?" A small smile rested on her previously firm lips. It was the first real smile that she had given him.

And perhaps it signaled her acceptance of his world.

As he observed her, James found himself leaning towards the former of his options, deciding to reestablish their old relationship. It would be very likely that he would have to establish at least some form of rules at some point along her stay but he would not do so in overabundance. Not if he could help it.

Besides, no matter how much she might claim that she wished to leave, even she could no longer deny that she was happy to have him back in her life. The truth of that statement radiated off of her as James placed on brotherly arm around her shoulder and teased her about things only a brother could.

Their relaxed banter only came to a close when they stopped before a large, oak door. Ally tensed under his arm and James pulled her in for a light hug.

"It will be over before you know it."

She nodded, taking one more breath before pulling from his comforting embrace. "I think I'm ready."

James smiled proudly as she took his proffered arm and allowed him to lead her through the gaping doorway. The door swung shut behind them and a silence swept through the crowd instantly when they saw who had entered.

Nerves fluttered inside Ally's stomach like butterflies as she scanned the faces that watched her. The men studying her were all in their early or mid adulthoods, their expressions ranging from hostile to just merely curious. Some appeared to be what Ally would describe as normal while others were covered in suggestive and violent tattoos or disfigured by gruesome scars. She shrunk back into her brother's sturdy form.

One cursory look from James had all of their eyes fixing on him, abandoning their curiosity of the woman beside him. Each member stood at attention without a word. None moved despite the length of their leader's walk up to the raised platform in the front of the room. James subtly inclined his head towards them, expressing his pride.

"Loyal members of Black Death, I would like to introduce to you someone that is very important to me." James gently tugged Ally out from behind him so that she could be seen by his men. "This is my sister Ally. She disappeared nearly four and a half years ago but has now reemerged under tedious circumstances. She is going to be living here in the base with us, at least for the time being, and she is to be unharmed. Any who speak of her contemptuously, maltreat her, or otherwise hurt her will be prosecuted for treason against the gang."

Murmurs swept through the crowd then. Many were astonished with James' threat of such harsh punishment.

"She is to have free range of the base for the duration of her stay. However, none are authorized to allow her outside the fence without first obtaining my permission."

Ally tensed and James squeezed her hand in silent warning to remain silent. In the crowd, his men nodded their understanding of his terms.

"You are dismissed."

Ally heeded his wordless direction of silence up until the point when they entered the hall, then exploded. "Not authorized to allow me outside?" She repeated, throwing her hands in the air with a wild gesture that displayed her anger. "Who says that I need your permission to do anything?"

James sighed. So much for trying to keep the rules limited. He imposed only a single order and still she protested. "Ally, I am only doing this to protect you. It is not safe for you to traverse through the forest on your own. Soverage will not cease to act only because you are my sister. Rather, it will fuel his intentions."

She moved to protest but James shook his head, signaling that he was not yet finished. "My rules can only influence my own men and they will continue to only do so. You may explore anywhere you wish but when outside of this haven, you must have a guard. Please do not fight me on this, Ally. You know that I could not stand for you to disappear a second time."

Ally hung her head, all of her bravado escaping her in a big breath. "Alright."

James exhaled in relief. "Thank you."

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