Chapter 58 - Playing for the Win

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 58 - Playing For The Win

Ally stirred in her sleep, tightening her grip on the mass beside her. She shivered in the chill of the room, snuggling closer only to realize that the form was too soft and too cold to be Kyle. She raised her head, confused, and looked beside her only to find pillows. A sound from the other end of the room drew her attention. When she looked, a male back greeted her.

Fear rose in her, but Ally's scream died in her throat before she could release it. She grabbed onto the comforter in a death grip, knowing that the intruder's presence had awoken her. She backed up until her back hit the headboard, pulling the blanket with her. Ally drew her knees up to her chest, looking around frantically for a weapon.

The sound of a drawer closing made Ally freeze. Her eyes flashed back to the figure dressed completely in black. He turned around then, a change of clothes in his hand, and Ally felt the air rush out of her in relief. She slumped back against the headboard, recognizing the deep blue eyes staring at her in surprise. It was only Kyle.

Ally felt her body stiffen again as she took in the blood splattered on his gray shirt, clearly visible through the gap in his leather jacket. She gasped, letting her legs fall back to the bed before moving to swing them over the edge. She walked to him quickly "Are you hurt?" She questioned frantically, hesitantly placing her hands on his arms and looking him over for injuries.

Kyle shook his head and sighed as if in resignation, like he was accepting his fate. Ally felt her eyebrows furrow. "It's not my blood," he said, pulling a gun out of the back hem of his jeans and tossing it onto the dresser carelessly.

Ally backed up a few steps, her hands falling to her sides. "What happened?"

He bit his bottom lip, breathing in through his teeth as he ran his hand through his hair. "There was a mission to help an ally gang tonight."

She breathed in sharply, glancing back at the blood-covered shirt as he shrugged out of the jacket. Until those words, it had been easy to forget that he was the second in command of her brother's gang. Ally took another step back involuntarily as everything the gang had put her through flashed through her mind.

"I'm going to go take a shower, please don't leave." Kyle shot her a desperate look as he backed out of the room.

Ally tried to reply that she wouldn't but she could not get the words to come out. He shut the door then, the defeated look on his face telling her that he thought she would leave while he was in the shower. A choked sob left her throat then and her feet seemed to be stuck to the floor, incapable of movement or walking after him to correct the misunderstanding. Hearing the water turn on and finally forcing her feet to move, Ally took a shaky step back only to collide with the edge of the bed. Sliding down to sit on the floor, she once again drew her legs up, placing her head in her hands.

It was then she realized something. No matter how much she despised the idea of the gang he was a part of -no matter how much she hated him for leaving her alone at night without telling her about the situation- Ally couldn't hold it against him. She didn't know whether or not she should trust him with her heart again but she did know for certain that she couldn't keep him out. The fear that had possessed her when she thought he was injured proved it; she was falling for him again.

Ally dropped her hands and stared blankly at the wall in front of her. For the first time in a long time, she allowed herself the peace of not thinking.

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