Chapter 36 - The Words of a Fool

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART TWO: Memories That Don't Seem To Fade

Chapter 36 - The Words Of A Fool

Ally drug her feet as her brother attempted to pull her around the base, gritting her teeth to keep from shouting at him once again. Ever since that one night at the party, they had not spoken a single civil word to one another. It seemed as if all the progress they had made in repairing their relationship as siblings had gone with the wind.

Ally hissed through her teeth as his grip on her arm tightened and he gave her a sharp tug that had her stumbling into position to stand at his right. "This isn't going to help you regain my trust," James said as he continued to walk down one of the numerous hallways. He did not glance in her direction, only kept walking, and the sound of his steps echoed down the hall.

"Why would I want to gain your trust?" Ally tried to keep her tone civil and in check so as not to start another argument. However, some of her true sentiment slipped out in the exaggerated eye roll that she hoped James would miss. She could care less how he thought of her now.

James shrugged slightly; so slightly that if it hadn't been for his grip on her arm, Allg wouldn't have noticed it. "So you can walk around the base freely again, without anyone accompanying you."

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not free either way." Ally paused, wondering if he would do anything, but he kept walking. It was as if she were no more than one of his gang members and he were providing a vivid reminder that he did not have to answer her. It was as if he had determined the fifteen years they had spent in the same house to be null and void. "From where I'm standing, I think it's you who needs to re-earn someone's trust."

"And why would I want to gain your trust?" he asked, mocking her with a replica of my own response.

Her jaw clenched and Ally grinded her teeth together in frustration. "Because if your goal is to keep me here permanently, you will first have to make me want to stay. For that to happen you have to regain my trust, and let's just say you aren't off to a very good start."

James whirled around, glaring at her over the bridge of his nose. "I can keep you here whether you wish it or not. Whether you enjoy your time here is up to you but whether you do or do not, I will keep you here; make no mistake about that."

"Let's see you try, big brother. Game on." Ally pulled roughly from his grip and glared at him defiantly as she took a few experimental steps away from him. He looked bewildered at her behavior and did not immediately move to regain his hold. Ally could not resist the opportunity for one more dig. "Just remember, I'm not someone you want to play games with."

His anger flared then and he grabbed her once again. "I could say the same thing." Ally hissed out a breath at the pain of his nails digging into her arm as he tightened his grip.

Her eyes were cold when she met his icy gaze with one of her own. "You don't scare me like you do other people James. I'm your sister, I know what you're capable of and how you will act in any given situation."

"I've changed, Ally. The question is... can you figure out how?"

James began walking again, pulling her along with him. Ally sighed, agitation clear in her voice when she snapped back at him. "You aren't the only one who has changed. It's almost been five years since I left. Gangs aren't the only thing that can change a person. You don't have to join one to get stronger."

"What do you even know about getting stronger? You only got weaker while you were gone. You couldn't even fight off the Galmer gang with all of their inexperience and poorly executed plans." His voice was rising in volume and a vein was ticking in his forehead.

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