Chapter 27 - South Gate

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART TWO: Memories That Don't Seem To Fade

Chapter 27 - South Gate

The loud knocking on his door woke James up in the morning. He sat up with a groan and mumbled under his breath, "This had better be important," on his way to the door. However, he'd only just gotten to his feet when his door flew open, his men obviously having grown impatient with thoughts that he was not responding quickly enough. At any other time, James would have been livid because of such an invasion of his privacy but, having gotten back from a mission late the previous night, he was too busy blinking the sleep from his eyes to channel his anger.

Two of his men stomped in through the open door, dragging a fighting and tied up man between them. The man was throwing threats at them and trying like mad to break free.

"What is the meaning of this?" James demanded, walking towards them until the fighting man was standing directly in front of him.

"He works with Soverage," one of his men replied, nodding towards the hostage. The man in question glared at him in defiance, showing no weakness.

"Take the scum to the interrogation room. I'll be there in a minute."

James' men nodded, turning to drag the hostage to the interrogation room. "And next time you barge into my room, you won't be walking out of it alive. Understood?"

His men gulped, sending him quick nods and continuing out the doorway with the hostage. They shut the door behind them.

Anticipation coursed through his veins as James got dressed, pulling on a random t-shirt and slipping a pair of jeans over his boxers. This could be the break that he had been waiting for. This could be the connection that would lead him to Soverage and allow him to finally exterminate the the renegade ex-gang-leader. This could be the connection that would secure his sister's safety.

When James entered the interrogation room, his hostage was sitting calmly in a chair, facing away from the door. Ropes looped around both arms and both legs, keeping him restrained to the metal seat. He appeared to be reserved to his fate, aware that he would have little to no chance of leaving the room alive, and at ease even in the face of death.

James rounded the man with a grim smile. They would see how deep that courage was rooted shortly. "Where is Soverage?" he demanded, his hands slamming down onto the table that spanned the distance between them.

"Such a warm welcome," the captured man taunted, smiling. "Do you give this greeting to all of your prisoners?"

A sharp slap sounded through the room. The man turned back to James, undeterred and unalarmed. "These ropes are lovely. I'm sure my superior would be delighted to get the brand name so that you can be restrained in the same type when he has you held helpless."

James sneered at him. "To do that, he will first have to get better men. With how easily you were captured, I'm surprised that he had any men left to do his bidding at all."

The man remained silent, sending James a challenge. He would not be provoked or driven to anger.

"Where can I find Adam Soverage?" James asked again, leaning in towards his hostage until he was close enough to have smelled the man's last meal on his breath.

The prisoner smirked. "One does not just find Soverage. The only way you get close to Soverage is if he wants you there."

"Then I will just have to give him a reason to want me there," James stated, grabbing onto the collar of the captured man's shirt and lifting him off of his feet. "For the moment, I believe that you should work just fine."

"You do not understand," the man declared, shaking his head. "I mean nothing to Soverage, he sent me here with the sole purpose of being captured. You want to find Soverage? Well, this is your invitation."

"You are no invitation."

"No?" the man taunted slowly, a wide smile on his lips. "I suppose not. However, the message I have is."

James scowled. "Be out with it then, I do not have all day."

"You are to meet him in South Gate, California. He is at the old factory building that closed down the end of last year, the one beside the Grella gas station."

James knew that the prospect of being "invited" to meet Soverage should have gave him cause to be cautious and guarded but at that moment, the location of his enemy once again echoed around his mind, promising revenge.

South Gate, California.

It was with those three words in mind that he carelessly twisted the man's neck, sending him to a quick and painless death. James would lay low for a few days and prepare, then he would strike.

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