Chapter 47 - Removal of the Stars

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 47 - Removal of the Stars

Ally fidgeted in her seat, her butt having gone numb from so many hours spent sitting on a car seat. She could see the interstate signs beginning to advertise the exit for Rock Springs and she was becoming impatient. "We're almost there, calm down," the guy said, throwing her the same look he has been the whole trip. It was not her fault that she couldn't sit still for long periods of time, but apparently he's never met anyone like her before.

She shot him a withering look, slumping back in her seat. They had been on the road for almost seven hours today and Ally was ready to be there. As grateful as she was for the man and his truck, she still wished to get away from him and find Trenton. The sooner that happened, the sooner she could get back on her feet.

The beeping of a turn signal caught her attention before the car veered off the highway and onto an exit ramp. "Where do you want me to drop you off at?" he asked, glancing around the area.

"Anywhere in the center of town would be fine. I'm sure I can find someone that will know where my friend's house is," she replied excitedly, watching as each passing free brought her closer to Trenton.

Ally spotted a library ahead of her, surrounded by many shops and houses that encompassed a large round-a-bout, branching off into five other roads that spread out from the center intersection like a fan, with an angel fountain located directly in the center. This was the town square.

"Just drop me off at the library."

He nodded, turning on his turn signal as he waited for a break in traffic before pulling into the parking lot and putting his truck into park. Ally started to reach for the door handle but he spoke up quickly, "Wait, before you go..."

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a wallet and digging through it until he found a twenty dollar bill. He held out the Andrew Jackson to her, "Take care of yourself, Nora."

She took it from him, a genuine smile appearing on her lips. Ally unbuckled her seat belt, leaning over to give him a short hug. "Thank you."

She pulled back then, giving him a farewell smile as she climbed out of the truck. "Oh, and Nora..."

Ally paused in closing the door, lifting her eyes back to him in confusion. "My name's Dayton," he finished with a smirk.

She cocked her head to the side, confused as to why he was telling her his name before he left and why he seemed to amused by it. Then, it hit her. Earlier when he had said that she had a beautiful smile and should show it more often, she had retorted that she didn't even know his name so he shouldn't start with her.

"So, now that you know my name, can I call you beautiful?" he asked cockily, a smirk set on his face. Ally shook her head, laughing as she recalled that conversation.

"No," She finally said, shutting the door of the truck with a chuckle and tucking the twenty into her front pocket.

He rolled the passenger window down, giving her a pout. "Why not?"

She shook her head, backing away from his truck. "Goodbye Dayton."

Ally heard his truck's tires turning over the rocks of the parking lot as he pulled back out onto the main road through town. When he passed her, he honked the horn and she simply replied with a raise of her hand as she walked away from him and towards the library.

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