Chapter 78 - Burn it Up

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART FOUR :: Leave The Front Line Behind

Chapter 78 - Burn It Up

"James, one of the men spotted smoke coming from the direction in which your sister and Damon took off in, it could be a forest fire."

His head snapped up immediately, the pen he was holding jerking to make a long line across the paper. That single phrase evoked more fear in him than staring down the barrel of a gun held by an enemy. While James knew he could fight his way out of a conflict, he was powerless to stop a fire if it were to spread.

"Let's go." His voice was cruelly composed, the cold tone that of an experienced and heartless gang leader rather than that of a caring administrator. Any emotion had fled from his words as soon as the thought of losing his sister had entered his mind.

The man scrambled out of the room, almost tripping over his own feet to get out of James' presence when he recognized the sudden change in him. James shrugged on his leather jacket from where it had lain, thrown carelessly over the back of the couch, and hurriedly laced up his heavy-duty combat boots. Slipping his .9mm Glock off the stand beside the door and pulling out his cell phone, he exited the room. Pressing one of the numerous buttons covering the device in his hand, the undeniable sound of a dial tone sounded as he called the park warden on speed dial.

"Hello?" the warden answered in a gruff tone, seeming frazzled as if he'd raced to answer the phone.

"There looks like there's a possible forest fire around the old mill, meet me there in fifteen minutes." As soon as he had finished voicing his command, James snapped the phone closed and threw it into one of the pockets on his leather jacket. Just like half of the local police force, the park warden was on his payroll and so made the concealment of Black Death's location all the easier to control.

Passing by Aiden's workshop and security room first, James banged on the door twice before throwing it open. Even as the younger member whirled around, obviously having been startled, James prided himself for at least knocking. Although the process may have been startling and forced in itself, Aiden couldn't gripe at him this time because he had actually listened to him for once.

"Meet me in the garage in five minutes. Get Kyle and bring your laptop." James' words were once again spoken as a command, accepting no argument in response.

His footsteps were loud on the tile as he stomped down the hallway, his gait displaying the fact that he wasn't worried about being quiet or the members of his gang knowing he was leaving once again. Anger and worry swirled around his mind, evident in the way he had slammed Aiden's door shut behind him and the clenched fists at his sides. At that point, James wasn't sure whether to be angry that someone had carelessly set the forest surrounding Black Death on fire or worried that his sister was out there and he might not be able to get to her in time if the fire were to get out of control.

Typing in the code to the door from memory and placing his thumb on the scanner built into the keypad, James silently cursed the new security measures. Although he knew he would still have to wait on Aiden and Kyle either way, the new precautions seemed to be delaying him from getting to his sister. If there ever was an emergency that required immediate attention, the few minutes spent getting through the security alone could cost the deploying team valuable time or possibly even a life.

His fists clenched at that thought, the muscles in his arms jumping as his back went rigid once again. His breathing accelerated even as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back in an attempt to calm himself. James didn't care what it took, he would not let his sister die.

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