Chapter 60 - Red Intertwines With Gold

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 60 - Red Intertwines With Gold

Ally turned, running her hands down her sides as she watched the dress Kyle had bought her flutter around her legs. She couldn't believe that the girl in the mirror was really her. Her blonde hair fell down her shoulders in soft waves, her eyes alight with a happiness she had forgotten she had ever had. The red heels she wore made her legs look longer, the dress falling just above her knees so as not to be too short.

She did a twirl in the mirror, loving how the red sparkles caught the light. The strapless cut of the dress suited her well, the top pulled snug with wrapping sheer red fabric that wrapped around her back and came together at a gold oval pendant situated beneath the bust. Below that, the dress flared out slightly, no longer clinging to her torso like a glove but swishing around her as she moved. The dress was perfect, the exactly right combination of simple yet elegant.

For the first time in her life, Ally actually felt like a girl. Being a tomboy growing up and always hating dances, she had never spent time worrying about what she wore. Although she was mad that Kyle had spent money on her, Ally was glad that he took the time to think ahead. He had even remembered that her favorite color was red and had been considerate enough to get her a dress, knowing she would be freaking out before the date trying to find something to wear. Maybe, just maybe, the time he'd spent at Black Death hadn't changed him like it had her brother. Certainly, James meant well and just wanted to keep her safe, but as leader of Black Death, his concerns for his gang sometimes conflicted with his role as her protective older brother.

Pushing any thoughts of her brother and his gang to the back of her mind, Ally looked at the sophisticated woman in the mirror once again. This was her night and she wouldn't let them get in the way of it.

A knock on the door sent butterflies flying through her stomach and her nerves going haywire. Kyle had said he wanted to do their date right and come get her so he had left his room and went somewhere else to get changed. Gathering up her courage, Ally walked to the door and answered it. As it swung open, it revealed Kyle standing there in a black suit with a white undershirt and a red tie to match her dress. His smile broadened, lighting up his face as he looked her up and down.

"You look beautiful," he breathed, stepping forward through the door.

"T-thank you," she replied, looking down at her feet shyly. It seemed as if every time she was around him, Ally turned into a teenager experiencing love for the first time; blushing like a ripe tomato and stuttering like a child that had finally worked up the courage to talk to their crush.

"It's just missing a little something," he commented before extracting a small, black rectangular box from his coat pocket. Opening it up, he carefully pulled out a delicate, gold heart-shaped locket that hung on a matching gold chain. The locket itself was covered by engravings of entangled hearts varying in size. The small etchings were so expertly and intricately mixed with each other that you couldn't tell where one ended and the next began. The metal gleamed in the light of the room, showing that it was new and unblemished.

Kyle gently grabbed Ally's arm, guiding her back to the mirror mounted on one of his bathroom's walls. He moved to stand behind her. The cold mass of metal settled onto her skin, sending chills up and down her spine as the chain molded to the contours of her neck. Lifting her hand to it hesitantly, Ally thought of how she wasn't deserving of something so expensive and delicate.

"You shouldn't have bought me this, Kyle. How much did this cost you?"

He shook his head, resting his hand on her hip and placing a light kiss to the top of her head. "I saw it when I was shopping for the dress and knew it wouldn't look good on anyone but you."

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