Chapter 23 - Don't Stay

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART TWO: Memories That Don't Seem To Fade

Chapter 23 - Don't Stay

Ally looked away from her brother, hiding the pain that swirled in the depths of her eyes. She did not want to leave him anymore than he wanted her to go but she could not subject herself to a life of imprisonment.

She sighed, blinking away the rising tears, and sliding off of the bed. "Can we have this discussion later?" Ally begged, swaying slightly on her feet. The blood was rushing to her head and black spots were scattering across her line of vision. She stumbled into the side of the mattress, one hand flying up to hold her suddenly aching head.

"Ally?" James questioned cautiously, approaching her with slow steps.

"I'm fine," she snapped, trying to shake off the nausea, "I just stood up too fast." It was obvious that she was not, in fact, fine.

He took her by the elbow and gently began to lead her towards his still locked door. "Come on, we should get you looked at."

Ally attempted to protest but one look from her brother silenced any objections she might have voiced. The pain in his eyes reminded her of the bruises that still colored her exposed skin from his rough treatment not even an hour before. She nodded her consent.

The pain still radiated from her brother's eyes when they stepped into the small office that belonged to the gang's doctor and it only intensified as the older doctor began to look over each of Ally's bruises in turn. When the doctor began to stitch up a particularly nasty knife wound, James finally spoke, remorse weighing heavy on each word. "I don't believe I will ever forgive myself for not recognizing you, for not taking the time to learn your name. I didn't even recognize my own moves, believing only that Adam Soverage had been the one to train you. I've always taught you to be strong and now I've nearly beaten you into oblivion trying to break the very spirit I helped construct."

He paused, watching with sad eyes as the doctor moved on to the next stitch -the next stitch of a wound that he had created. "I need you to stay more than anybody but you have to promise me that if I ever hurt you, you'll leave."

Ally gave him a weak smile, trying not to cry. How was she supposed to tell him that it would never come to that? How was she going to break it to him that she planned on leaving as soon as her health permitted?

Unbeknownst of her thoughts, James continued. "I'm serious Ally. If I ever hurt you, don't stay."

She did not want to deal with such a topic at that moment and so merely nodded, as if in consent.

Her brother sighed with relief and she did not have the heart to correct him. It was then that the doctor finished pulling the thread through the final stitch and tied off his work. He only took a few more minutes to bandage the last of her bruises and hand her a bottle of painkillers -with instructions to take one every few hours- before excusing himself from the room.

In the silence that tarried, James drug her to his arms. There, he wrapped his strong biceps around her and pulled her in for a tight hug. "For what it's worth, I have missed you. And I am sorry."

Some heartstring of Ally's pulled at this and she had trouble resisting the urge to cry. At that moment, she put aside all her grief and simply allowed her older brother to comfort her. She did not worry about escape or retribution, she did not worry about anything to be honest, because in his arms, she was safe.

She sighed aloud. "I missed you too."

A tender, brotherly kiss was placed atop her head before James then released her. He smiled down at her, his pain of having hurt her now evaporating as the joy of sharing his home took over.

"Let me show you where you will be staying now," her brother spoke, obviously still under the impression that she would now remain with him without question. He could not have been more wrong, no matter how much she might enjoy his comfort.

"James," Ally began timidly, laying one hand on his arm as if in comfort, "I can't stay with you."

He froze mid step. His expression when he turned back to her was confused and utterly disbelieving. "What do you mean? Did I do something already to offend or hurt you?"

"No James, you haven't. I simply meant as I said. I cannot stay, I have a life outside of here and I cannot simply neglect it to play house within your precious gang. You cannot hold me here. I won't let you trap me away, even if it would be for my own protection."


"But nothing. I can defend myself just fine James. I do not need you to coddle me."

James sighed, exasperated. He placed a hand over where Ally's own rested on his arm. "Then stay because I'm your brother, if nothing else. At least give living here a chance before you walk out of my life for a second time."

"Your base is full of young, reckless men. How am I supposed to-"

He cut her off with his answer, already having predicted exactly what she was going to say. "My men will not touch you. I will make it an order."

Ally considered him through narrowed eyes. "And it will only be a trial period?"

A genuine smile finally broke out on his face. "Of course."

She shot him one last scorching look as he showed her to her new room. "If you lock that door behind you, know that I will not be here in the morning."

Her threat did not faze him, however, and he left the room with a delighted grin stretched across his lips. The door shut behind him but surprisingly enough, the sound of a lock clicking into place never came. He had heeded her words. 

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