Chapter 20 - Trembling Swords

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART ONE: Tears Fall When You See The Truth

Chapter 20 - Trembling Swords

James bid his new third-in-command a goodbye, standing to his feet. "I suppose I have neglected the traitor enough for one night, let us continue this at another time. Should any problems arise, contact me immediately."

"Yes sir."

James approached the woman still knelt on the floor with slow steps, allowing his approach to further increase the anxiety and uncertainty within her. He had learned before that nothing intimidated a person like their own thoughts and fears as they awaited punishment.

"Get up."

The woman did as he commanded nearly immediately, however with slow and weary movements as she unfolded cramped limbs. James did not wait for her to steady herself before he grabbed her arm and forced her to stumble after him. He walked with purposeful steps, unconcerned with the struggle the traitor was having to keep up with him. Any human associating with Adam Soverage deserved no sympathy from him.

James led the traitor into one of the gang's infamous interrogation chambers with an even stride despite the all-encompassing darkness within. He knew the space by heart and directed the woman in his clutches to the metal chair in the middle of the room without remorse. She was the same to him as every other conspirator who had walked his halls -a spy. Her unexpected gender would not deter him from the common practices that had gained Black Death it's country-wide position and status.

The metallic snap of the first locking restraint echoes through the room.

Ally pulled against the cuffs securing her to the cold metal of the chair and squinted against the dark of the room, her eyes unadapted to the sudden lack of light. However, she found her efforts to be in vain when a strip of cloth settled over her eyes and blinded her vision. The work beneath the covering was no darker than before but the blindfold's presence alone kicked up her remaining four senses.

The groan of a creaking wood beam could be heard overheard as footsteps passed by overhead. The tang of rot and mildew stung Ally's nose. She ran her tongue across her dry, bottom lip and swallowed, wincing at the cottony texture of her mouth. The room seemed to shift around her as her brother moved, his steps loud and echoing until she was unsure of their exact origin. Ally knew he was playing with her like a cat would a mouse but she was unable to stop her body from responding to his ploy.

When one more step reverberated around her, her heart pounded as if the organ believed itself to a percussion member within the band. A squeaky cabinet opened behind her. Ally's fingers curled around the edge of the armrests, her back stretching out to rival the stiffness of the metal that supported her.

"So," her brother drawled, his tone of voice portraying lazy patience while an undertone of danger hovered just beneath, "let's start with an easy question. When did you meet Adam Soverage?"

Ally jerked at the sudden feel of hot breath playing across her earlobe. Deft fingers skirted across her collarbone. She stuttered her reply. "I n-never met an Adam Soverage."

James growled his disapproval at her answer and his fingers stilled on her neck. "I know that he's you accomplice so there is no need for you to hide your involvement anymore."

Ally remained silent, her eyes flickering nervously beneath the blindfold. She could either go along with her brother's false perception of her and face whatever consequences might come with such an association or she could maintain her innocence and face her brother's continued torture techniques. The latter could have two outcomes -her brother could uncover her innocence and weaken his drastic approach or she might face the consequences of an association with the man her brother seemed to passionately hate paired with the torture he would continue to inflict on her as he tried to force what he believed to be the truth from her.

"Nothing to say, traitor?" James sneered, his fingers tightening around her neck.

Ally choked against the pressure, her lungs heaving with lack of oxygen. She fought to catch her breath but any air she had regained fled her when she felt the cold metal of a knife at the juncture of her jaw and throat. A small drop of warm blood slid down the column of her throat and a choked sob rose in its place.

Then, suddenly, he was gone. Ally panted in his absence, fear causing a cold sweat to break out on her brow. She was powerless and she knew not how far her brother would go.

The air seemed to shift behind her and then the blindfold was whipped off of her eyes. Her brother loomed over her, cruel and emotionless, with a jagged-edged knife clutched in his right hand. It was a side of him that she had never seen the like of before and, in the dim lighting that the one lone bulb hanging from the ceiling provided, Ally experienced a fear that she had only felt the likes of once before.

Her brother pressed the tip of his knife into her arm and dug it in, dragging it down from shoulder to elbow.

A long, tortured scream cut through the night.

Adam Soverage watched the man in front of him with disdain. The man was a traitor and would fulfill his purpose but those that would turn their back on their own people for the measly promise of cash solicited no respect from him. However, he awaited what the man would say with earnest.

The man quivered beneath Adam's piercing gaze, fidgeting in place. "You were correct. Because of your implication of the girl, James is now torturing his own sister and treating her as a traitor. Everything is going according to plan."


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