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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy


Along a nearly deserted interstate, the moon glinted off a passing car to make the light blue metal gleam in the darkness surrounding it. The unmistakable laughter of a teenage girl rang out from inside the small car, bouncing off the sides of the vehicle until it leaked out the open windows and dissipated into the chilly wind gently blowing by. A blonde girl of only fifteen turned to look at her friend, her emerald eyes shining bright as tears of amusement gathered in them. She clutched her stomach as it protested her sudden onslaught of laughter, her windswept curls falling lightly over her shoulders. "I cannot... believe... you did that!" the girl choked out between fits of laughter. By this point, her friend was smiling proudly as she too giggled, shaking her raven hair out of her eyes.

"You can't tell me they didn't deserve it though," the raven-haired girl countered rather smugly, her eyes flickering to her friend before they settled back onto the road once again.

"Well, yeah. I still can't believe that they were stupid enough to mess with the famous Sarah Westen. Stupid boys; won't they ever learn?" The blonde shook her head, still smiling. "Don't you think that maybe you took it a little bit too far though?"

"No, of course not," the raven-haired girl, obviously known as Sarah, replied, now fully serious about the situation. "They acted as if they were flawless gods and everyone should follow their every wish and command. Why can't boys understand that not all girls will just fall at their feet and worship them? I had to teach them a lesson that they would never forget."

"Sarah, you got them arrested."

"Yes, and now they can think about how self-righteous they were being while they serve out their time in prison." At this, her trademark smirk appeared on her face. "I wonder who I should go after next. I haven't executed enough pranks recently. And that, is something that I seriously have to change, quickly."

"As long as you remember our pact and don't go after me, I don't care who you prank... Wait, I know who you should prank! My brother 'borrowed' another one of my cd's a couple weeks ago and I accidently found it while searching in the back of his truck for my Chemistry folder. The back was covered in scratches and it now skips horribly when I attempt to play it. I swear that is the seventh cd of mine that he has ruined. I have no idea what he does to them but, the way I see it, it's time for some payback."

The blonde chuckled as she observed the evil smile that had spread across her friend's face, certain that she was plotting out her next master plan in her head. The blonde then sighed in contentment, knowing that this was the Sarah she'd grown to love years ago.

The blonde's house began to peek out over the top of the hill in front of them and she forced herself to be calm, trying to wipe the silly grin off her face as she took in deep, even breaths. She refused to ruin her payback against her brother by making him suspicious. Besides, knowing Sarah, it would be an event that no one would want to miss. The last time Sarah had decided to prank him, her brother had left the shower stained a solid blue and seemed to better resemble a smurf than the human being she had known him to be. If she remembered correctly, it took a week of constant showering and scrubbing for the cerulean tint to completely disappear.

The car coming to a stop in front of her house, the blonde checked her appearance in the mirror to make sure her face was composed. Deciding her expression was calm enough to pass her brother's scrutiny; she reluctantly unbuckled her seat-belt and opened the door of the car. "Bye Sarah."

"Bye! Oh, and Ally," Sarah called, waiting for her friend's attention before she continued. "I'll be around to pick you up at noon tomorrow for the party."

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