Chapter 74 - Uncertainty

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART FOUR :: Leave The Front Line Behind

Chapter 74 - Uncertainty

James held his head in his hands, the laptop screen before him displaying the same, unwavering red dot that had not moved in almost three weeks. The location printed below it read 'Huntington Memorial Hospital, 100 W California Blvd, Pasadena, CA,' just as it had since he had activated the tracking system. Resisting the urge to throw the offending screen, he stood up from his chair in a flourish and spun around, his fist flying into the wall.

The pain didn't register in his mind even as the skin around his knuckles split, blood gathering at the surface of the fresh wounds. He was consumed by a mix of anger and helplessness; anger because the accident as well as Ally's resulting injuries had been his fault and helplessness because he didn't know what to do to correct the situation. While the tracker could find her location, there had not been enough time to create a device efficient enough to pinpoint her location to within a few yards. Instead, the best if could offer him was a quarter mile radius in which she was positioned. Considering she was in a hospital with thousands of other patients cramped close, that figure didn't help him much.

"Careful, the walls just might decide to take out a restraining order against you one of these days."

"Aiden," James growled out, not amused, "glad to see you are perky as ever."

Aiden shook his head in defeat at the sight of James' bloody hand. "You better get that cleaned up; I don't take kindly to blood stains on my electronics."

James growled, his hands clenching into fists. "Can't you just let a mate be angry for once instead of interrupting?"

"Okay, first of all, these are my walls that you are damaging. Second, you going off the deep end and lashing out in anger is not going to help us get your sister back. So, if you can swallow your manly pride and just clean up those cuts and then come sit back down, I will tell you what I've come up with so far."

James eyed the flash drive Aiden held in his hand. He gritted his teeth and sighed in defeat. "I'm not leaving because you told me to," he clarified, walking to the door and stopping short to send him a defiant look. "I'm leaving because I want to."

As James pulled the door open, Aiden muttered, "Real mature."

Walking brusquely to the nearest bathroom, James quickly washed the blood from his knuckles and wrapped a thin layer of gauze around the cuts to prevent infection before making his way back to the control room that Aiden had basically turned into his own personal man-cave.

"So, what do you have?" James asked, getting straight to the point as he re-entered the room in long strides. Pulling his previously abandoned chair to him, James spun it around and straddled the cool plastic. Crossing his arms across over the backrest of the chair, he leaned against the chair for support and devoted his full attention to the laptop that Aiden was currently sitting in front of, his fingers flying over the keyboard.

Aiden was silent while he finished whatever he was typing -which looked suspiciously like a very detailed and difficult laptop safety lock. James' thoughts were confirmed when the black screen with overlaid white computer gibberish faded to display the typical laptop desktop. "Do you want the good or the bad news?"

"Just start with the bad."

"Well, when Ally was admitted, it was under a false name that was not provided in any official reports, but I was able to identify confidential police records. Their case includes a file on you and Ally's fingerprint records have recently been opened through their mainframe. So, they definitely know who they are currently holding in their custody and security is not going to be light."

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