Chapter 45 - A Hairsbreadth Defeat

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 45 - A Hairsbreadth Defeat

"We found him unconscious in an alley." Those were the first words that his men said when they entered the room.

James was almost inclined not to believe them and so looked up to chastise them but only ended up staring in disbelief at the figure that was slumped between two of his men. He had known that his second in command could find his sister but he hadn't considered that she would knock him unconscious.

He whistled through his teeth as he stood and approached his friend, his eyebrows furrowed. "She sure did a number on him."

"How do you know that it was Ally who did this?" One of his braver men voiced the question.

James lifted his friend's head, moving it from side to side as he checked for injury. He found none. "Because there is not a mark on him. Kyle would not have let his guard down around anyone other than my sister and no one else would have stopped at knocking him unconscious."

Regretfully, his second in command would not remain so untouched. He had found Ally and James needed know where before she could get further away. As such, James stepped forward and, in one quick motion, landed his hand across his friend's cheek.

Kyle came to immediately and drew back defensively, fighting against the men's grips on his forearms. They had been ready for his reaction though, and managed to keep him still as his eyes flashed open, fury burning within them.

Then came the confusion that spread across his face as rapidly as the red flush that rose on his skin in the unmistakable shape of a handprint.

Third came the understanding. Kyle relaxed in the men's hold. James shot them a nod and they immediately dropped his arms, stepping back from him. Kyle raised his hand to his face, wincing when he came in contact with the sore skin. "Want to tell me why that was necessary?"

"Look, you know that I would never hit a brother without due cause but this is important. Ally spotted you, didn't she?"

"Yeah. I suppose the short story would just be that she put me in a sleeper hold."

James raised one eyebrow in question. She had actually put him in a sleeper hold and knocked him out? "Do I even wanna know how she managed that?"

He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "No, not really."

James nodded dismissively, allowing the topic to drop. He would not push his friend to tell him what had happened until he was ready. "Kyle, the reason I slapped you was because I need answers, fast. I need to know where you saw her, what she was wearing, where she was heading, anything that will help me find her before she disappears again."

Kyle straightened, understanding the importance of his answer. "She was around the town square when I found her and it looked like she was heading for the bus station."

James needed no further prompt and immediately set off towards the security room where all the camera footage was spread out on the monitors. He knew that Kyle was following him by the sound of heavy footsteps that trailed his path through the base. "She was wearing a black and gold top with matching sneakers and black skinny jeans," Kyle continued as he followed his leader, "She had in blue contacts and she had her hair in a side braid with a gold band around her head like a hippie."

James wasted no pretense when he entered the room, immediately demanding, "Bring up the security footage of the bus station," and moving to stand directly behind Aiden.

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