Chapter 1 - As It Falls

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART ONE: Tears Fall When You See The Truth

Chapter 1 - As It Falls

The club was raging around her, the music blasting from the speakers. Couples were everywhere, dancing and making out. It was kind of unsettling, but Ally knew that she had been like that only four years earlier when she was hopelessly in love with Kyle, her sad excuse for a boyfriend; the one she was supposed to be able to trust.

​She stopped herself in the middle of her thought process, knowing there was no need for her to feel sorry for herself when she was supposed to be having fun. She had gotten over her old lifestyle. Ally had moved 800 miles away and now lived in an apartment in Montana. When she moved there, she had cut her hair short in order to eliminate the waves and curls that always seemed to always appear when it was long, added bright red extensions underneath it, and obtained a set of murky brown contact lenses. Paired with the change in her appearance, Ally had also altered her name. She knew that she had been lucky that to find Trenton, or more specifically, lucky that he had found her. He had taken pity on her, and was always around to make sure she was taken care of even though he had had a life outside of babysitting her. Without him, Ally knew for certain that she would have been cold and buried six feet under years before.

​The song changed and she pulled her cell phone out of her small clutch bag, glancing down at the time on the screen, 12:24. She had work the next day –actually, scratch the next day, that morning– and if she wanted to be worth anything at work, she would have to get out of there now. So, she started to look around for Trenton so that she could tell him that she was going to leave.

​After about ten minutes of searching through sweating bodies constantly packing closer on the dance floor, Ally spotted him leaning against the bar talking to some girl. Sighing in relief, she walked up to him and gently laid her hand on his shoulder to get his attention. At this, he turned to look at her, his usual smile immediately spreading across his face at the sight of her standing before him. In response, the girl he had been talking with sneered at her in obvious distaste. Ally did not let it faze her, only shaking her head at the pettiness of it all, getting jealous over a man you had only known for ten minutes. "Hey, I'm going to leave now so that I can get to work on time later."

​ Not waiting for a reply, she had just started to turn to leave when he grabbed her wrist gently, holding her in place. "I think I'm ready to go too. Bye, Vanessa," he said, waving dismissively to the girl still standing at the bar. He then released Ally's wrist and walked beside her to the doors of the club she'd used her fake I.D. to get into. She had acquired it with his help after she'd changed her name Nora Hollins; the same name that everyone in this town believed had belonged to her since birth.

​ They made their way out of the club, starting to walk down the street, her hand held firmly in his. He insisted that it would 'keep away the creeps' that occupied the streets of Montana. She didn't agree with his reasoning but, regardless, went along with it to make him happy. He had done so much for her that she felt she owed at least that much to him. If he wanted to make sure she was safe, she was going to let him.

​Abruptly, his hand was wretched from hers and Ally's head shot up to see what had happened. Even if seeing a man dressed completely in black pulling him away from her wouldn't have caused her to scream, another hand grabbing her wrist surely did. The man's other hand clamped down over her mouth, harshly cutting her off mid-scream. He pulled her to him, letting go of her wrist to wrap his arm around her waist, holding her in place and trapping her arms to her sides. She tried to get away from him, but he was strong and it had been too long since she had put her lessons in self-defense to use.

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