Chapter 14 - To Tarnish and Destroy

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART ONE: Tears Fall When You See The Truth

Chapter 14 - To Tarnish And Destroy

Worry raced through Ally as she walked down the hall, clinging to the same woman who had been in charge of preparing her for her presentation in front of the members of the gang. She did not know what awaited her, or how she would emerge from her next trial. All Ally knew was that her few days were up and her roommate's warning was still haunting her mind. Just be happy that you will not be forced to privately entertain any of the men until you have been here for at least a few days.

"It is time," Elvira commented, pausing before an engraved, white door. She gently removed Ally's hand from the crook of her elbow, letting it fall back to her side as the older woman reached for the gold door knob.

As the door swung open, it revealed a decorated bedroom set into the rich colors of gold, red, and black. Candles burned on stands, casting shadows on the walls, and a musky fragrance coated the air. A massive bed enclosed in a shimmering gold canopy sat in the center of the lavish interior and the silhouette of the inhabitant was able to be seen behind the thin cover.

A long, sinewy arm suddenly emerged from the canopy's depths, smoothly sweeping the material to the side and allowing the man inside to be seen.

"Long time no see, Elvira," the man joked, his gaze zeroing in on her companion. "It was mighty nice of you to bring me a gift when you came."

Elvira sighed in exasperation. "Remember, Sam, she is ultimately Daniil's so you cannot tarnish her."

"I know, Elvira, I know," he replied with a roll of his eyes. "He has already briefed me himself."

"Very well then," Elvira relented, stepping back into the hallway.

"Come here, love," the man called from his position on the bed, a sly smirk creeping onto his lips. "I want to see what you have that has seemed to capture my leader's attention."

Elvira gave her a sad smile before nodding towards the man in a silent command for her to do as he wished. Ally took a few shaky steps forward, her breathing erratic as the door shut behind her and Elvira left her alone to deal with her punishment.

"As you have heard, I am not allowed to 'tarnish' you," Sam spoke, his voice loud and carrying. "However, I can still introduce you to this life. Daniil has granted me a little extra time with you and I feel no need to waste precious seconds with such a sexy women." He stood then, the richly colored sheet falling back to the bed to reveal a bare, chiseled chest that testified to the strength and stamina attributed to gang members. A pair of sweatpants were slung low on his hips and gold chains hung around his neck, clanging together with his motion.

Sam circled her, assessing the woman who had been left at his mercy. "I can definitely see how Daniil fell for your looks," he purred, reaching a hand up to cup her cheek. He rubbed his thumb across the skin beneath his hand, reveling in its smoothness. "You're gorgeous."

Ally pulled back from him in disgust but he stopped her retreat, his fingers curling around her wrist. He tugged her reluctant form back to him, keeping her captured hand behind him so that her arm was pulled taut and she was forced to remain pressed against him. "Ah, ah, ah, princess," he admonished, the same smirk still on his lips. "The first thing you learn in a place such as this is that you never pull away or display hints that the advances made on you are unwelcome. The men here thrive on control and if you give them even a hint that they do not have such power, they will force you into submission."

He released her then, slowly stepping towards a nightstand that was placed beside the bed, only a few feet away from where they stood. Sam slid the drawer open and extracted an object from the crevice within, keeping it hidden from Ally's view as he stalked back towards her.

Warm breath hit the back of her neck, causing goosebumps to race across her skin, and arms snaked out on either side of her. Sam pulled her into him, molding their bodies together until there was not even an inch of space between them. He handled her struggle well, not letting it phase him as he kept her secure in his encasing arms. Eventually, she had no choice but to calm within his grasp, realizing that her attempts to fight off the strong male behind her were pointless as long as she was still weak from her bout of starvation. He lifted the hand that held the foreign object so that she could see it, strengthening the grip he held on her with the other as a precaution should she once again try to escape.

He leaned down, his shaggy hair brushing against her collarbone. Ally tensed, recognizing the object held in his hands just as he began to whisper into her ear. "This is a popular accessory among some of the more vulgar gang members. They just love to see their claim declared so visibly on their women."

"Please, don't," Ally stuttered out, stumbling over her words as she reluctantly allowed the man behind her to hear the defenselessness that plagued her voice.

Regardless, he was already fastening the shock collar onto her neck and locking it into place. He then released her, the action holding the air of a dismissal but Ally knew he was not done with her yet.

"Get on your knees," he demanded, the roughness of his words contrasting his actions as he casually secured a watch onto his wrist.

Ally remained standing, her eyes narrowing into slits as she glared at the sniveling creature before her. As if he could guess the direction of her thoughts, Sam pressed a button on the side of his watch and, almost immediately, a agonizing shock ran through her. Ally cried out in torment, her hands flying to grasp at her throat in panic. She choked, coughing and gasping for air like a fish set out on the grass to die.

Pleading words attempted to escape her lips in desperation but Ally found herself unable to speak as the pungent energy of the shock continued. Electricity raced down through her limbs and her knees weakened even as her vision blurred. Suddenly, she collapsed to the ground, her legs completely giving out beneath her and a cry finally managed to tear itself from her throat.

By the time the abusive energy was cut off, Ally was resting on her hands and knees with her hair falling haphazardly to create a curtain between her and her punisher. She panted, her frazzled brain barely able to comprehend his next words.

"Some members even believe that if you can obtain obedience in the primalest, most degrading actions, then you can also attain it in each aspect of life," he continued, crouching down in front of her. Still, Ally refused to look up as she instead stared down at her hands as she fought for her breath, her fingers curling into the thick carpet.

"If you stay here, they will make you do everything that goes against your moral standards. In this place, there are no boundaries and there are no limits." Sam reached out with one hand to gently lift her chin so that her eyes once again met his own. For the first time that night, Ally noticed a look of concern pass across his face. "Trust me when I say that this is not a place where you would want to stay."

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