Chapter 38 - Be Still My Heart

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART TWO: Memories That Don't Seem To Fade

Chapter 38 - Be Still My Heart

Ally seethed from her position beside her brother, glaring daggers at anyone in the crowd of men that dared to catch her eye. As if noticing her agitation, James shifted his grip on her upper arm and pulled her slightly forward as he gave the order for everyone to be quiet.

"Tonight," he began in a booming voice, "we will be gaining another brother. He has already completed the initiation and we now gather to make him one of us!"

James motioned to this said new member, inviting him onto the small stage to stand before the rapt crowd.

"Is there anyone here that doesn't believe this man to be worthy of joining our brotherhood?" Again, her brother's words were delivered in an animated fashion, as if he were speaking of world peace instead of accepting a new member (which, in Ally's mind, was based only on his ability to kill innocents.)


There was not a single man who spoke up or raised his hand.

James breathed a sigh under his breath, barely audible, before walking the few more steps to stand behind what reminded Ally of a school teacher's podium. However, the difference here was that it had a knife sticking out of it, hilt up and blade down in the wood. The oak around the blade was splintered, an intricate tangle of webs spreading out in a fan around the impact zone. The whole thing itself reminded Ally of King Arthur and the sword in the stone. It was as if the member-to-be would have to pull the knife out to be qualified to be the leader of Black Death.

The new member wrapped his hand around the hilt of the knife and James placed his hand palm-down on the very top of the knife, just above that of the new member's own hand. Both men stared into the mass of people as Ally's brother began the ceremony with the stating of the gang's first oath. The new member repeated each phrase after his mentor without delay, his head held high. It was as if he had nothing to be ashamed of, as if he were not a murderer.

"I will not let my brother fall to a knee."

Too bad that the term brother only included a very select group of men, Ally thought with rue. Out of the group, out of luck.

"As a member, I shall acknowledge the leadership handed down to me."

Ally rolled her eyes. Obviously. There would not be an established leader if the rules were not meant to be followed.

"All disputes or arguments that cannot be solved will be brought to the proper chain of command."

Ally continued to observe the unfolding events, unimpressed.

"Torture, threaten, and torment me all you want but I will not speak a word against my brothers."

It was here that she lost all focus, the various oaths only washing over her like the runoff of a torrential downpour.

"I understand that giving any false information to my brothers or the leadership of Black Death will be punishable by death."

Ally stared down at her hands, wringing them together in her silence. She picked at her nails, and was horrified to find that a sliver of dried blood still rested under her one fingernail.

"I will not embezzle or steal from my brothers."

She scrubbed at the nail in question with erratic movements, feeling as helpless as the woman whose blood she fought to remove.

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