Chapter 55 - Get Ready, Get Set, Lose

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 55 - Get Ready, Get Set, Lose

Kyle laughed as Ally froze, her eyes zeroing in on his Xbox 360 game collection. Her mouth flopped open in disbelief as she pointed. "You... you have Call of Duty?" she shrieked, the high, excited pitch of her voice making him cringe.

"Yeah." Kyle replied slowly, bracing himself for her next freak out.

"Can we please play it?" she begged, her bottom lip going out in a slight pout as she gave him the puppy dog face.

"Are you serious right now?"

She only replied by nodding her head in sadness and blinking her eyes rapidly to make it appear as if she was holding back tears. Despite laughing at her display, Kyle couldn't help but say yes. She knew he could never tell her no and she was using it to her full advantage.

"Okay," he admitted weakly, caving in.

"Yes!" Ally yelled, doing a fist pump in the air before running to the pile of games, searching through them frantically for the one she wanted.

"Slow down, it's not going to run away."

She only paused for a second to throw a glare at him over her shoulder, pulling out the Call of Duty game in triumph. Kyle couldn't hide his chuckle when he remembered that the game itself was in the game system, not the case. "You do know I lost it right?"

Ally opened up the case quickly, her face falling as she took in the missing game. Just as quickly though, her expression changed back to one of determination. "You're lying."

"No, I'm not. I really did lose it," Kyle said, forcing himself to keep a straight face.

Her evil laugh echoed throughout the room as she grinned in triumph. "The left muscle in your eye twitched, you're lying."

Kyle cursed under his breath. "How come you can always tell when I'm lying but I can't for you?" he complained, moving to sit down on the couch in defeat.

"Because I've known you since you started hanging around with my brother at the age of ten... and you aren't perceptive."

He sighed, grumbling under his breath as he pondered the consequences of what he was about to do. "It's in the Xbox."

Ally squealed, jumping to hit the power button. Kyle clamped his hands over his now ringing ears. " Why are you so excited about this?"

"I haven't played Call of Duty for almost six years and I'm on withdraw!"

"I think this proves you played it way too much if you think of it as your drug. "

She simply ignored him, moving to sit on the other end of the couch with her cordless controller. Kyle turned his head back to the TV as she continued setting up a game, poised on the edge of the couch seat.

Kyle suddenly became aware that the weight of her gaze had settled on him and he turned his head to look at her on instinct. As soon as his eyes met her gaze, however, her eyes widened and she turned back around like a red-handed thief.

"How many controllers do you have?"

He watched her, side still turned to him, as she stared forward determinedly. Her back was ramrod straight and she seemed to be gripping her controller tightly. He frowned, trying to figure out what he had done to make her uncomfortable. Then, he realized that Ally was still waiting on him to answer her question.

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