Chapter 72 - Recognition

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART FOUR :: Leave The Front Line Behind

Chapter 72 - Recognition

Trenton wearily drug his hands down his face and leaned his elbows onto his desk in frustration. As he lowered his head in defeat, his fingers tangled into his messy hair and his eyes strained to find a lead on his current case from the long lines of blurring words that made up the file before him. Growling under his breath, Trenton flipped the file closed and roughly pulled open the desk drawer beside him to throw the manila folder inside with all of the other open cases.

Standing hastily, his chair was sent rolling a few feet away but Trenton simply turned and stalked out of his private office without giving it a second glance. Shutting the door to the clouded glass office behind him, he made his way to the office kitchen for a much needed cup of strong coffee. Pushing open the white, wooden door that had remained as the last barrier left between him and a cup of liquid energy, his senses were assaulted by a heavenly blend of pungent and rich coffee grounds. Two neat rows of sparkling white plates were lined up in a drying rack set on the burgundy counter and the soft hum of the refrigerator in the background was the only sound in the small room. He took quick steps forward into the inviting space before him, his mind already beginning to clear and sharpen just at the scent of coffee hanging in the air from the cold pot still sitting on the stove that was over half empty.

Tossing some espresso beans into the grinder for a fresh wake-up brew, Trenton set the cylinder machine to medium. Leaning against the counter, he pulled out a coffee mug from the cabinet mounted on the wall. Taking out the coffee grains, he then placed the filter into the brewing basket of the coffee maker and added enough grounds to be sure that the result would be a strong coffee. Filling the reservoir to the appropriate measurement on the side, Trenton placed the carafe back onto the warming plate. Pressing the 'On' button, he patiently waited for the machine to pre-heat the water before the coffee began to brew.

Taking note of the dark, reddish-brown foam that was flowing into the bottom of the carafe and pooling at the bottom, Trenton breathed in deeply. Its strong scent seemed to coat the air around him as he removed the flask with a careful grip on the plastic handle and quickly poured himself a cup before replacing it back onto the plate of the coffee maker. Raising the mug to his mouth, he cautiously took a tiny sip and felt a small smile rise to his lips as the creamy, rich taste seemed to linger in his mouth. The heat of the liquid seared down his throat but the slight ache brought only immense satisfaction. Lowering the cup, Trenton clasped it carefully in both hands so that the warmth of the coffee seeped through the cup and into his palms, cold from the chilly atmosphere of the office.

Suddenly, the sound of his ringtone pierced through the inviting atmosphere of the room, causing him to jump. His coffee splashed out of the mug, pouring down the front of his blue shirt and Trenton hissed out through clenched teeth. The damp material clung to his chest, the heat of it no longer satisfying but rather painful as it irritated his skin. Pulling the dress shirt away from his now tender flesh, he cursed aloud, looking around frantically for paper towels while his hand dived into his pocket and felt for his phone.

Absentmindedly placing the phone up to his ear without bothering to check caller I.D., Trenton tilted his head to the side in order to secure it between his ear and his shoulder. Snatching the roll of paper towels off the counter, he hurriedly tore off a section and placed the mug on the counter without bothering to clean off the droplets of coffee that were still sliding down the sides and collecting around the base.

"What?" Trenton snapped into the receiver, beginning to dab the towels against his shirt in order to soak up at least the majority of the coffee.

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