Chapter 51 - The Price We Pay

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 51 - The Price We Pay

When James stood a foot away from the door to Ally's room, the low hum of a conversation caused him to pause. He meant to simply wait politely for them to finish talking before he entered the room but was unable to resist eavesdropping when he realized that he could hear Ally and Kyle's every word.

"What do you want from me Ally?"

James' eyebrows furrowed and he took a single step closer to the door so that he could hear Ally's soft reply.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Kyle replied, his voice even but anyone could hear the anger he was trying to suppress behind it. "You have to decide whether you want me or not. You can't keep giving me mixed signals. You can't push me away one moment and then want me the next."

Silence was heard then, followed by a soft sob. A loud exhale and footsteps sounded through the room before Kyle's voice was once again heard, much softer and collected this time. "Ally, what do you want? Whatever it is, I'll give it to you."

"I want... I want time to figure this all out."

"If that's what you want, then I will give you time," Kyle said, his voice now compassionate as he paused. "Now we really should go see your brother. He's probably waiting for you."

Seeing that as his cue, James took the remaining steps up to the door and knocked to get their attention.

"It's fine. Just go see what he wants," Kyle said, the sound of stumbling footsteps indicating that he had pushed Ally towards the door. Then, a few seconds later the doorknob rattled and someone sighed angrily from the other side. James hurriedly produced the key and unlocked the door, opening it up to a very cross Ally.

She was already storming by him, bumping into his shoulder roughly before she began to talk. "Kyle was in there with me and you still felt the need to lock the door, knowing how much I hate being locked in," she complained in a huff as she walked away from him.

Running a few steps catch up to her, James grabbed her arm and drug her back to his side. "Something tells me that with Kyle in there you didn't have any of the nightmares you usually get when you're locked in a room," he replied, sending her a quizzical look.

Ally flushed a bright red, turning away from him. He laughed at her reaction before leading her to the base's security room. Aiden had basically just taken up residence there when he set up the entirety of his equipment across the small room. Per his instructions, Aiden had been working on some new security equipment for him would be installing it the following few days to ensure that his sister would not escape him for a second time.

"So, what have you got for me?" James asked, pushing the door open with more force than necessary.

Aiden jumped, turning around in a panic. His hand flew to his heart. "Didn't your mother ever teach you to knock," he scolded quickly, trying to catch his breath. "You can't just keep barging in on me like this. One of these days you're going to give me a heart attack."

"Okay, old man," James taunted, backing up a few steps to knock on the door, "what do you have to show me?" The playful teasing proved in and of itself that James truly did enjoy the easy banter with the youth. The young gang member might manage to occasionally get on James' nerves but he could always be counted on to lighten a tense situation.

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