Chapter 43 - Falling Under

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 43 - Falling Under

Kyle walked through the crowd, his hands in the pockets of his faded jeans. He stared down at his worn out sneakers, kicking a rock out of his way in frustration. He had been sent by James to look for Ally only because James had been too busy to do so himself. Now, he was looking for a girl who did not wish to be found. The very same girl who had rejected him, as if he no longer meant anything to her.

He lifted his head back up, glancing around the crowd. A certain girl caught his eye, the way she was carrying herself with so much confidence drawing him to her. The girl had bright blue eyes outlined in thick eyeliner and blonde hair that was pulled to the side in a loose braid. A thin gold band was set around her head in the hippie style, continuing down in strands that were braided in with her hair. Several gold chains were excluded from the braid, falling free down her shoulder and ending in brown feathers that blew in the wind.

She wore a flowing brown top that fell off one shoulder, the same shoulder on which the braid and feathers rested. The top itself had small golden flowers stitched into it. The look was completed with black skinny jeans and a pair of black and gold converse sneakers.

Kyle cocked his head to the side slightly, trying to figure out why he was drawn to her. Then, he realized that she walked with the same confidence as Ally and had the same shade of honey blonde hair. Surely his assignment wouldn't be that easy? However, further observation revealed that it was so.

She subtly walked in the blind spots of the cameras while managing to blend in. Every now and then, she would stop at a street corner and fix her shirt or pretend to be interested in something while she waited for a camera to swivel the other way. She was good. Too good for a civilian.

He studied her, looking for solid and undeniable proof before he approached some girl and made a fool of himself. Then, her hand rose to brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear while she stood at a street corner and Kyle saw it. She had a small tattoo wrapping around her wrist, black in color and seemingly a collection of small stars.

The security camera pointed away from her and she moved forward again, the wind rustling the hem of her shirt. It raised slightly as she walked, the black lettering on her hip peeping out from under the shirt hinting at what was hidden there. That was where Ally had been given her 'Protected by James Carter' tattoo.

Kyle set his teeth together and leveled his gaze on her in determination. That girl was Ally, and he would make sure she was returned to James no matter how angry he was with her or how much she had hurt him. He would not allow anything to interfere with the way he executed his job.

He followed Ally as she carefully made her way down the street, waiting for a break in the crowd. When he realized that the crowd was getting thicker instead of thinning out, Kyle scanned his surroundings in an attempt to figure out where they were. It was then he realized she was heading towards the bus station. If he didn't make his move soon, she would board a bus and then, if he wasn't careful, she would also disappear for good.

Kyle increased his pace, gaining on her and crossing his fingers that she wouldn't turn around and notice his approach. Thankfully she kept walking, only taking notice of the cameras in front of her and too occupied with that to be watching her back.

Taking a quick browse of the people around her, Kyle realized that she was staying close to the buildings in an attempt to remain in the cameras' blind spots. He smirked slightly, realizing that it would also make it easier for him to pull her into an alley and talk to her before her carted her back to the base.

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