Chapter 54 - Regardless of All, I'll Always Love You

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 54 - Regardless Of All, I'll Always Love You

Back at the base, the latch of a door failed to catch. Ally listened intently for the sound of Kyle's returning footsteps to lock the door behind him, but they never came. Jumping to her feet, she sprinted to the door, tripping over the pair of jeans she'd discarded there. Hurriedly catching her balance, she raced to the door and grabbed the doorknob, not taking any chances that it would somehow close.

Only moments before, Kyle had left with vague comments, but he had spilled the basics. Her brother was leaving, and she was determined to see him before he had the chance to disappear from her life to go on some fool's mission.

Yanking the door open slightly, she stuck her head out of the crack, blonde curls falling over her shoulders as she looked around for Kyle or anyone else that was lingering. Seeing that the hallway was empty, Ally stepped out into the hall, gently easing the door shut behind her. Being careful not to latch it, she took a few hesitant steps forward, trying to remember her way around and racking her brain for where her brother could be.

Taking a right, she found the hallways surprising empty for a gang base. Her hopes of finding someone to direct her to her brother faded as she took turn after turn, until she was so confused that she wouldn't know how to get back to her room even if her life depended on it. Coming to a dead end in the form of a locked door, Ally turned around again, her nerves on edge as frustration set in.

A moving force slammed into her from around the corner, knocking her off my feet. A gasp left her mouth as she fell, the floor rushing up to meet her. Closing her eyes, Ally braced herself for impact but it never came. Arms enclosed her waist, pulling her back to her feet.

"Are you okay?" a familiar, concerned voice asked, releasing her when she caught her balance.

Her eyes shot open, meeting the gaze of the friend she hadn't seen in months. "Damon!" she exclaimed in disbelief, only now realizing how much she'd missed him. He had been the one person she'd been able to relate to and strike a friendship with while locked within the walls of the gang base.

Damon chuckled when she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him desperately. "Thank goodness I found you. I've been trying to find my way around this senseless place for the last ten minutes..." Ally trailed off, pulling back from him and trying to ignore his amused expression as she took in a calming breath. "Do you know where my brother is?"

He nodded amused, motioning his hand to a point over her shoulder. "He's in the garage getting ready to leave. I was actually heading there when you crashed into me."

"I crashed into you?" Ally raised one eyebrow, staring at him in mock question. From her voice, it was easy to tell that she believed him to have been at fault for their collision. However, she did not await his answer and spun on her heel, taking off in the general direction of where he had indicated. Ally knew that Damon was used to her antics and would correct her if she missed a turn.

"Ally, it's through here," he called, confirming her thoughts.

Turning around, Ally walked back to where he was waiting with as much dignity as she could muster. Damon chuckled, leading the way into a corridor she'd failed to notice earlier, concealed within the shadows. "I knew that," she muttered weakly, in response to his previous question.

"Sure you did."

She scowled at his back, noticing how he didn't miss a beat in throwing a comment back. His shoulders shook slightly as he punched in the code to the door before them, proving that he knew Ally was glaring holes into his back. As soon as he pushed the door open, she walked past him, already searching for her brother. Spotting him talking with the man who'd put the tracking bracelet on her wrist, his back turned towards her, she took off running without a second thought or glance at Damon.

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