Chapter 59 - Calling in Backup

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Gangs Aren't My Style

Book I of the Black Death Trilogy

PART THREE :: Cast Your Armor Down

Chapter 59 - Calling In Backup

From Kyle's bathroom rang out the sound of water droplets cutting through the air and falling down in a shower of drenching sheets. Relaxing at the knowledge that Ally had not disappeared on him and would not overhear him talking on the phone, he leaned back into the couch cushion and pressed the call button. As the faint sound of ringing emitted from the cell phone, Kyle sighed and placed it to his ear.

"Hello, you've reached God, how may I help you?"

Kyle laughed at his friend's standard greeting, knowing that he was purposely deepening his voice to sound 'sexy' in case it was a girl calling him. Kyle was used to this behavior after about four years of hearing that same greeting and knew that with that particular friend, some things just wouldn't change. However, Kyle was glad for that. No matter what, his friend was there with his unwavering ways to give Kyle some normalcy in his life.

"Cade, when are you ever going to change that horrid greeting?" Kyle asked, a full-fledge smile taking over his face.

"When the chicks stop calling my number," Cade replied in a 'duh' tone.

"You do know that deepening your voice like that makes you sound like you're constipated, right?"

"Kyle, my man, why you always gotta go killin' my swag?"

Rolling his eyes, Kyle let out a scoff. "You have to have swag to lose it."

"Hey, just ask all my ladies, I got swag. No one can resist the bad boy."

Deep laughter rumbled up from Kyle's chest at how cocky his friend sounded because he knew that, on the other end of the line, Cade would be puffing out his chest in an attempt to look macho. "Always the playboy," Kyle muttered. "Hey that reminds me, is your cell phone voicemail message still 'Any hot girls leave your number, anyone else don't bother?'"

"Do you really even need to ask?"

Kyle shook his head in amusement; it was the same old Cade. Realizing that his friend couldn't see him shaking his head, Kyle replied, "I suppose not."

"So, to what do you owe the pleasure of hearing my beautiful voice?"

Scoffing and rolling his eyes, Kyle muttered under his breath, "As if, ugly."

"You wanna repeat that?"

"Yeah, you're ugly."

"You're always so mean to me," Cade whined, sounding much more like a child than an adult at that moment.

"If I'm so mean, then hang up."

"Fine, I will." The phone went silent than and pulling it away from his ear, Kyle saw 'call ended' flashing on the screen.

Shaking his head at Cade's childish antics, Kyle hit redial. His friend answered after only one ring, immediately going into his standard greeting. "Hello, you've reached-"

"God, I know," Kyle inserted, effectively cutting him off. "Are you done throwing your hissy fit yet?"

The silence on the other end was his only response but as Cade's best friend, Kyle knew the unspoken message. 'I will hang up on you again.'

"Okay, I get it, it wasn't a hissy fit. Cade, you're the hottest man I know and I love hearing your voice," Kyle said sarcastically. "Satisfied yet?"

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