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THE WAR WAS UPON THEM. A war that seemed so deadly, a war that had already taken so many lives, was crawling closer and closer, and it made Evelyn's stomach churn. She had been looking for another place, Steve coming to terms with the fact that this was what would be best for his sister. She didn't do emotions well and staying in the home with all of the memories, it was hurting her from the inside out. She didn't have time to be sad, and to be stuck inside her head. She had her little brother to take care of―︎though he was only five minutes younger, she would forever see him as her responsibility, and her baby brother.

Much to her dismay, she found that both Steve and Bucky were interested in this war. They wanted to help. They wanted to fight for their country. And Steve wanted to follow in their father's footsteps. He wanted to be a soldier. But Evelyn couldn't help but be selfish and not want that for him. She didn't want to have to dig another grave. She didn't want to have to fill in the the empty spot beside of their father's grave that had been Steve's designated Burial spot given to him by their mother. Evelyn's spot was beside her mother grave.

     "Hey, doll." Evelyn glanced up, offering Celeste a small smile as the girl walked up to the table that Evelyn had been sitting at. She took a seat in front of the girl, grabbing the drink that Evelyn had ordered for her before she had arrived.

     "Hey, Celeste." Evelyn smiled, pushing her blonde curls off of her shoulders.

     "You alright? You seem stressed." Celeste asked the woman with a small frown.

     Evelyn let out a sigh, glancing around at the people and cars that were around the town before looking back towards the angel that sat in front of her. "Honestly? I'm so drained. School's coming to an end soon, thank god. I'm going to have to start working soon in order to keep Steve and I above water."

     "I thought you had your father's fortune that he left behind?"

     "It wasn't a fortune." She rolled her eyes. "It's the money he left behind for serving in the war. We've been living off of that practically our whole lives along with the money mom made whilst working. I don't know how she managed to balance having to deal with two children, and keeping up with Steve's health problems."

     "But that's not what you're really worried about, is it?" Celeste questioned, cocking her head slightly as she looked at the Rogers sibling. Evelyn glanced up from her drink to look at her, before letting a soft sigh falling from her lips.

     "No, it's not." She bit her lip, shaking her head slightly. "I'm just. . . my nerves are shot. Steve is determined to fight in the upcoming war. And I know that there's the probability of that never happening, but I still can't help but worry. He's going to submit a new form over and over again until he manages to get in. And if he does, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself."

     "You're thinking way too much, hun." Celeste told the girl. "I know how you feel. Bucky has ten times more the chance than Steve to get in, but I'm still scared out of my mind."

     "You two have been getting close." Evelyn noted, changing the subject. "Wanna tell me what's going on there?"

     Her cheeks seemed to heat up, making an amused smile fall on Evelyn's face. Celeste cleared her throat, nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders. "I mean. . . yeah, we've been seeing each other a lot more lately."

     "That's great news, Celeste!" Evelyn smiled. "Bucky needs someone like you to keep him grounded."

     "To be honest, the way that Bucky talks about you, when we first met, I thought you two had been a thing." Celeste admitted, earning a laugh from the blonde.

     "I do not see Bucky as anything more than a second brother." Evelyn assured the woman, deciding not to bring up the fact that she didn't even find herself to be interested in any men in general. Celeste smiled at the woman's words before softly sighing.

     "I really like him, Evelyn. And I. . . what if he doesn't feel the same."

     "Sweetheart, trust me when I say, he does. The way he talks about you over the phone, I've never heard Bucky talk about anyone like that. If he doesn't make the first move soon, I'll knock some sense into him for you." The two shared a laugh with one another before finishing their drinks, paying and walking off. The two women continued to converse with one another, getting to know one another more, before spotting Bucky and Steve walking around, talking with one another. The two women approached them.

     "Boys." Evelyn greeted them, smiling.

     "Evie!" Bucky smiled at the girl, the two exchanging hugs with one another. "I see you and Celeste are getting along well."

     "That we are." Evelyn nodded, glancing towards Celeste before looking back at the two. She walked up to Bucky, bringing her mouth to his ear before whispering, "You better make the first move before you lose her." She took a step back, smirking in triumph upon noticing the light tint that coated his cheeks. Never in her life had she seen Bucky flustered, and her heart seemed to jump in joy for the boy, happy to know he had found someone he cared so deeply about.

     "You two headed somewhere?" Celeste asked.

     Bucky showed the duo his form for the army, making the girl's heart stop in her chest. Celeste looked at the man she had found herself falling for with the feeling of her heart shattering in her chest. She frowned slightly. "We were just on our way to drop these off."

     "These? As in more than one?" Evelyn asked before looking towards her brother. Immediately a sigh left her lips before she bit the inside of her cheek and nodded her head. "Right. Well, you let us know how that goes. We're going to finish our walk around the town. We'll meet back up at the house, maybe go out and do something tonight?"

     "We'll meet you there, doll." Bucky nodded before giving her a kiss on the cheek along with Celeste before the two walked away. The women watched the duo walk away before Celeste was quick to turn towards Evelyn.


     "Hmm?" The girl hummed in response, turning towards her.

     "I think I might have a way we can help."

     "What do you mean?" Evelyn frowned.

     "I know someone, she's a British sweetheart that goes by the name of Peggy Carter. She works in the army, trains the soldiers, and is one of the best out there." Celeste explained. "She and I used to live with one another. She owes me a favor."

     Evelyn pursed her lips, glancing towards the direction the two boys had went before looking back towards Celeste, nodding her head. "Tell me more."


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