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SHE NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD have gotten married at such a young age, especially to a woman, but she did and what a great almost twenty years has it been. Hell, she didn't think she'd be married and be the co-creator of S.H.I.E.L.D. along side Howard Stark and Peggy Carter at such a young age. The 49 year old blonde held her head high, eyes scanning the room at all of the agents, men and women alike, running back and forth, most either leaving for missions or just coming back from one. She went into her office, a sigh falling from her lips as she placed her hands on her hips, one of her agents trying to argue with her. Though she had almost hit fifty, everyone would say she didn't look a day over twenty five, but it was times like this when she really felt her age.

"This isn't up for discussion." Evelyn sternly told him, her still very blonde hair shining in the light. "I gave you this mission because you are one of the best. Either you keep it and complete it or I'll give it to someone else. Hell, I may even do it myself. So, what's it going to be?" She watched him take the file back before walking out of the room. She smirked in triumph. "That's what I thought."

"Are you being mean again." Peggy, now 48, walked into the room. Her brown hair had yet to get grey and she was just as lively as Evelyn was.

"Me? Mean? Never." Evelyn scoffed, watching as Peggy walked over to her desk, picking through the files before taking a couple. "We need to go out more."

"On dates?"

"No, on missions." Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Dates too."

Peggy chuckled. "The next one I open, it's ours."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Evelyn smiled. She glanced out the door, making sure no one was watching, before leaning forwards and pressing a kiss to her wife's lips.

"Hey, none of that at work."

Evelyn leaned back, straightening her shoulders as she gave her a salute. "Yes ma'am." Peggy rolled her eyes and walked out. Evelyn smiled before stopping. She could feel him standing there. She knew his presence like the back of her hand, she was his twin after all. She furrowed her eyebrows before turning her head. She saw him. Standing there. Frozen. Something told her that he wasn't supposed to be there. All she did was smile at him, nod, and then continue on like it had never happened. Because even though she wanted to know, she knew that he was alive somewhere somehow, and that was enough for her to never mention it or think of it again.



AND IT'S OVER! This book has officially been completed! I just want to say that these last three chapters were just something. I was just tryna find a way to end the book good and I hope it all makes sense. Chapter thirty, if you didn't notice, was actually the Agent Carter One-Shot. I thought it would be fun to include that in there along with some aspects of the television show, but a lot of this book was mostly AU and this epilogue clearly ties in with Endgame.

I just want to say thank you to -candeilers for allowing me to write this plot. I had so much fun writing Evelyn's story, and I really hope that I did it justice! I'm glad that I got to give Steve a twin sister because I know how much of an amazing brother he would've been and I'm glad I got to showcase how I feel he would have acted.

If you'd like to read more about Evelyn Rogers, she will be mentioned all throughout the Lost and Found series! There's a reading list of all the books on my profile! I hope you all have enjoyed reading Golden as much as I have loved writing it. Until next time my lovely people! With all of my love, Rayne.

 Until next time my lovely people! With all of my love, Rayne

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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