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SHE SAT AT HER MOTHER'S bedside, smiling softly as she watched her peacefully sleeping. She wanted to take her mother out of the hospital, in fact Evelyn had snuck into the hospital seeing as there weren't supposed to be any visitors. She knew that there was a chance if her catching tuberculosis, a high chance actually, and she knew that she shouldn't be there because of how immune compromised her brother was. But she couldn't help but just look down at her mother with tears filling her eyes.

Eventually, Evelyn left, walking home with her coat placed tightly around her frame. It was cold that day, and she was bound to catch a cold if she stayed out any longer. But she wanted to walk home. Her house was at least fifteen minutes away walking distance, and she was positive that she would be perfectly fine, and wouldn't catch a sickness that would no doubt pass on to her brother. He already had scarlet fever a few times, along with rheumatic fever. She pushed her blonde hair behind her ear before stuffing her hands back into her coat, trying to keep them warm.

"Hey, doll." A voice spoke, making her turn her head to see a guy driving up beside her. She rolled her eyes, looking away as she continued forward. The man stopped, getting out of his car and making his way towards the blonde, grabbing her arm and making her stop in her tracks. "What's a pretty woman like you doing all by yourself?"

"I don't like people. So I chose to avoid them at all cost." Evelyn answered with a sarcastic smile.

"Where are you going? Let me give you a ride home!" He called after her, watching as she walked away.

"I think I prefer to walk. Thanks for the, oh-so-generous, offer." Evelyn replied, smiling in satisfaction as her heels continued to click against the sidewalk. However, the male seemed to be very determined as he quickly walked up to her, grabbing her arm and spinning her towards him. She looked up at him, cocking an eyebrow at him. "My, aren't you a very determined man."

"I can't help myself. When I see a beautiful dame, I can't help but offer them my assistance." He had a smug smirk on his face, Evelyn just giving him a blank look.

"Well, this beautiful dame, doesn't need or want your assistance. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get home to my brother." Evelyn spoke, turning around once again, trying to rip her arm from the mans grasp, but it seemed to tighten. Evelyn sighed as she turned back towards him. She glanced down towards her wrist where his hand lay before looking back up at him. "Mind loosening your grip there?"

"Don't you trust me, doll?"

"Not a damn bit." Evelyn responded. "Now, let go of me, before I make you."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Let go of me and you won't have to find out." Evelyn snarled through clenched teeth.

"My, you don't know what respect is do you?"

"It's you that doesn't know what respect is." A female voice spoke up, grabbing the two's attention. A beautiful blonde walked up to them, her heels clicking against the side walk as she offered the man an angelic smile, standing in front of him. "Hey sweetheart. Do me a favor and let go of her, won't you?" The man just smirked as he scanned the woman up and down. "Are you deaf? I said let go of her." What Evelyn didn't expect was what the woman did next. The woman kicked the man in the groin, taking his wrist and tearing it from Evelyn's grasp and twisting it behind his back.

She brought her mouth to his ear before saying, "Learn some respect." She shoved the man away, watching as he scrambled to his car and drove off. The blonde muttered curses under her breath before turning back towards Evelyn, offering the woman a smile.

"Thanks for that, but you didn't have to do that." Evelyn gently smiled back at the female. The woman smiled before walking up to her, hooking their arms together before they continued down the side walk. Evelyn smiled at the woman as their heels clicked in sync.

"Nonsense." The woman smiled. "I help those in need. And that poor man was in need from being save from the murderous look that could kill anyone with just one glance." Evelyn chuckled at this. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Evelyn Rogers." Evelyn introduced herself.

"Rogers?" The woman asked. "I know that name. You're. . . You're Bucky's friend are you not?"

"I am." Evelyn beamed. "How do you know Bucky?"

"He and I met a few days ago. We've been talking here and there." The woman shrugged, smiling at the thought of the man.

"I heard he had a new dame, but I didn't know that dork managed to grab someone as gorgeous as you." Evelyn smiled.

The woman chuckled at this. "He is such a gentleman. And I must admit that I enjoy his company. Maybe too much." Though, she mumbled the last part to herself, Evelyn not being able to hear it as the girl glanced around.

"He is." Evelyn smiled. "He's friends with my brother, so it makes sense. I'd like to say I act lady like, but, I truly don't. So, he doesn't get that from me." The woman chuckled at this again. "Hey, I never got your name."

"Celeste. My name is Celeste." The woman, Celeste, answered.

"Well, Celeste, it was lovely to meet you. Hopefully, I'll get to see you around more often." The duo stopped right in front of Evelyn's house. "This is my stop."

"It was nice meeting you, Evelyn." Celeste smiled. "Maybe we can all hang out sometime soon."

"We'll definitely have to make plans." Evelyn nodded. "I'll see you around."

"Yeah." Celeste smiled, watching as Evelyn walked up the steps and safely entered the home before she turned on her heel and walked away from sight.

" Celeste smiled, watching as Evelyn walked up the steps and safely entered the home before she turned on her heel and walked away from sight

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