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THE NEW COUPLE MADE THEIR way into the café they always ate at, smiling when they saw Dottie Underwood running around, giving people their orders. To avoid being frowned upon, the two women have kept their relationship private. Everyone knew the two were best friends so now one ever questioned why they were always together. They just had to be a little more careful when it came to public displays of affection. They sat down at their usual booth across from each other, not bothering with the menu seeing as they both had it memorized from how often they came to eat there.

     Dottie sat down another plate in front of a man and his wife, smiling politely at them as they thanked her before she angelically whisked her way over towards the two. A bright smile was on her face and sometimes Evelyn thought that she absolutely loved her job. When there wasn't men harassing her she usually did. The dark haired woman placed her notebook in its holster that was placed on the apron she wore around her waist. Her hands were clasped together as she came to a stop in front of them. "Well, if it isn't my favorite customers. English and Goldie."

     Evelyn rolled her eyes at the nickname whilst Peggy smiled. "Hello, Dottie. I see that business is blooming today?"

     Dottie nodded. "It is. However, there are other waitresses that work here so I'm going to take my five minute break and sit right here beside English." She took a set beside of Peggy who gladly moved over to give her some more room. "So, how has it been? I haven't seen you two in a couple of days, I was starting to think that you weren't going to come back."

     "We'd never leave without telling you, Dottie." Peggy assured the woman.

     "I know, I know." Dottie waved. "Anything new and exciting happen? You read the paper yet? They're considering clearing Howard Stark's name."

     "Oh, really?" Evelyn rose her eyebrows in fake surprise. Both she and Peggy had been doing everything they could to clear Howard's name and they were so close to doing so. "Have they said why?"

     "No. I don't believe so." Dottie hummed. "I didn't get a chance to read the full piece. But I know he's your friend and all so I thought that you'd wanna know." She reached into the booth behind them, grabbing the paper that lay on the table. She passed it over to Peggy, poiting at a spot on it. "See? It's right there. You can read all about it."

     "Well, we most certainly will." Peggy promised her.

     "Good. Now, back to my job." She stood up, smoothing out her apron before grabbing her notebook and flipping it open. She placed her pen in her hand before glancing between the duo. "Alrighty, now, what would you lovely people wish to eat this fine morning?" She was quick to scribble down everything that the two wanted before walking away from the table, handing the order to the chef.

     "You know why I love coming here?" Evelyn asked, grabbing the drink that had been placed in front of her a few moments ago. Peggy hummed in response. "Because Dottie always makes my day. She's such a happy person and she makes me happy whenever I'm sad. That's why I came here a lot after Steve died. Dottie knew that I didn't want to talk about it so she would always take her five minute breaks and distract me. She never once asked if I was alright, or talked about Steve, and it was a breath of fresh air."

     "She is a breath of fresh air, isn't she?" Peggy asked, smiling. Evelyn nodded before sitting up when Dottie made her way back over, their food in her hands. She delicately placed the plates down in front of the two women before placing her hands on her hips.

     "Anything else for you?" Dottie asked, looking between her two friends.

     "This will do." Evelyn assured. "Thank you, Dottie."

     "Thank you." Peggy repeated.

     "Of course. If there's anything else, just call." And then she was walking away again.

     "Now, back to that paper." Evelyn hummed, taking a bite of her food. "Does it really say that they're considering clearing Howard's name?" She watched as Peggy scanned the paper before nodding her head, setting it back down on the table, allowing Evelyn to reach over and grab it, reading the words herself. She couldn't help but smile in triumph. It had been weeks since they'd help Howard escape, and the two were working with Jarvis in order to get his name cleared. "This is great."

     "You know he won't come back, right?" Peggy asked, cocking an eyebrow. "He's Howard Stark. He's probably living his life right now."

     "He better be. I had to do an interview in order to save his ass." Evelyn muttered, taking another sip of her drink. Peggy chuckled, shaking her head slightly. They continued to eat their food, keeping a steady conversation before leaving the café―︎not before giving Dottie a high tip of course. When the two were out of sight of the public eye Evelyn didn't hesitate to reach over and grab Peggy's hand, interlacing their fingers.

     Peggy couldn't help the smile that crept on her face at this. It was little things like this that made her truly happy that she'd said what she'd said. If Evelyn hadn't said her feelings, Peggy knew she never would've. As they walked, Peggy decided to bring up the subject she knew that Evelyn was avoiding. "It'll be two years in a couple of months."

     Evelyn didn't say anything. She just nodded her head.

     "Have you seen him lately?"

     No. She hasn't.

     "Do you want to go see him?"

     Yes, she did.

     "Come on." Peggy tugged her hand gently and Evelyn followed her. They stopped by a flower shop with Evelyn going inside and looking around before spotting the flowers she always got for the graves of her family members. She paid for them before walking out, taking Peggy's hand again and not caring who saw. They walked all the way there and Peggy stood behind whilst Evelyn walked towards the three graves, placing the flowers on each of them before kneeling on the ground.

     "Hey, guys." She started, her voice a soft whisper. "I'm sorry I haven't been by to see you. A lot has happened. I miss you guys so much every day. And I love you so much." She turned her head to look at Steve's grave. "I did it, Steve. I made the move. I got the girl." She could practically hear him say "Finally" and it made her smile. "I understand that you aren't coming back. But I just want all of you to know that I'm not alone. I'm healing. I'll be okay. And I know you're all watching me from above. I hope you're proud of me." She pressed a kiss to her fingers, placing it on her parents graves before placing one on Steve's and then standing up. She smiled slightly. "I know you're proud of me." She nodded to herself and with sad smile on her lips she stood up and walked away.

" She nodded to herself and with sad smile on her lips she stood up and walked away

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