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EVELYN AND PEGGY WERE ALWAYS the last ones out when it came to their work place. Whilst the men left to go drink their life away, the two women were the last ones there in order to finish the rest of the work. Evelyn sat there, another file in her hand when she heard it. The sound of the alarm going off, letting them know there was a mission. The two women stopped, exchanging a look with one another before Peggy quickly answered it. She listened, grabbing a paper and scribbling a few things down. She hung up the phone and walked over to Evelyn.

     Evelyn took the card from her hand, looking down at it before snapping her head towards Peggy. "The Zodiac?" Peggy nodded and Evelyn didn't hesitate to grab her brief case as Peggy did the same. The two made it to the coordinates that were provided. They could see three men inside through the glass and two of them stood up and walked out to them.

     "Left or right?" Peggy asked without looking away from the men.

     Evelyn shrugged. "Surprise me."

      "Ma'am, you can't be here." One of them said before explaining how there was a gas leak issue.

     Evelyn frowned in mock concern as Peggy spoke. "A gas leak? No injuries, I hope."

     "You're not from around here, are you?" One of them asked.

     "No, I live in Brooklyn, actually." Peggy said with a kind smile and then punched the one standing in front of Evelyn whilst Evelyn went for the other one. It didn't take long before the two had the men unconscious on the ground. Peggy kicked one of them through the glass, alerting the other man up front. He kneeled down and the two were quick to disappear. He stood back up with a gun in his hand. They waited for him to come outside before Evelyn appeared, placing the gun to his temple.

     "Drop it." Evelyn warned. He did so. "Take this." She gave him her brief case. "Turn and move." The two followed him to the back with Evelyn keeping her gun pressed against his lower back.

     "Where's Zodiac?" Peggy questioned.

     "End of the hallway, on the right."

     Evelyn grabbed him, slamming him against a pole. "Drop." He did. "Hands up." He listened. Peggy grabbed hand cuffs, placing them on his wrist and chaining him to the pole. Peggy kneeled down, grabbing something from her case.

     "How many?" Peggy asked.


     "Four including you?"

     He nodded.

     "Now, I need you to scream for help." After a moment of Peggy threatening him he did. The two women stood up, hiding around the corner before quickly revealing themselves when two of the men appeared. Peggy went for one as Evelyn went for the other. They fought for a moment before knocking both of the men out. The guard they had chained yelled for help and Peggy nodded. "Thanks, that's enough."

     "Come on." Evelyn nodded. The two women continued forwards. They hid behind a shelf, Peggy holding out a mirror, watching the other man poke his head out from the door. "Alright." Evelyn took her gun and walked towards the door, shooting the same spot over and over again before there was a hole big enough to fit a smoke bomb into. Peggy held the handle to the door, keeping the other man from coming out. She waited until it went quiet before pushing it open.

They both placed gas masks on their faces before entering the room. Evelyn made her way over to the case in the floor, carefully opening it to reveal a series of vials filled with blue liquid. She picked one up, showing the zodiac sign on it. She stood up, pocketing it before turning just in time for a giant man to place his hands around her throat, choking her. She struggled, trying to pry his hands away from her. He pulled her mask off and before she could act Peggy appeared and started to attack him. He threw Evelyn across the room, causing her to slam her head on the ground.

She laid there for a moment as Peggy continued to fight the man that was holding her on the ground, hands around her throat. She reached for her case, gasping for air before she managed to get the knife from her case, stabbing him in the leg making him release her. She stood up, kicking his mask off before Evelyn came up behind him and knocked his foot out from under him with Peggy giving another kick to the face and knocking him unconscious.

    "You okay?" Evelyn asked as the two walked out. Peggy nodded.

     As the passed by the still chained up guard, Peggy narrowed her eyes at him before saying, "Learn to count." He nodded and they kept walking.

     When they made it to work the next day, Evelyn wasn't at all surprised to see them all looking at her and Peggy. They both made it to their desks. Evelyn stood up, walking over to Peggy's desk as she looked through the files. Their boss walked up to them. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

     They both turned to him as Peggy answered, "I was about to start some data analysis and code-breaking."

     "Don't get cute with me, lady."

     "Watch your tone, sir." Evelyn warned, narrowing her eyes at him.

     "You two took a mission last night."

     "We completed a mission last night." Peggy corrected him.

     "Without even attempting to report it in or get the proper authorization?"

     Evelyn held her tongue as she said, "The mission was time sensitive."

     "There are protocols in place. No one is above protocols. Not even Captain America's sister."

     "How dare you." Evelyn stood up straight as Peggy stood from her seat.

     "Please. Let's stop pretending, shall we? Everyone know why you two are here."

     "Please, enlighten us."

     "You were grieving, so they kept you on, so that you would feel useful. I call it pity."

     "If they wanted to make me feel useful, they wouldn't have made me work with you." Evelyn snarled. He laughed and Evelyn almost lunged at him had not the buzzer went off.

     "You're gonna answer for that." He walked to his office and Evelyn clenched her jaw. After he got off the phone he started walking back over to the two. "Agent Carter, Agent Rogers, it is my honor to inform you that you are going to run S.H.I.E.L.D.. And I'd also like to assist you both in carrying your personal items down to your car."

     Evelyn had to hold back her smirk as she said, "Thank you, Agent Flynn, but as has always been the case, we don't require your help." The two women grabbed their things and before Evelyn left she turned to look at Agent Flynn. "One more thing." And then she impolitely flipped him off before grabbing Peggy's hand as they walked down the steps and towards their next adventure.

" And then she impolitely flipped him off before grabbing Peggy's hand as they walked down the steps and towards their next adventure

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