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EVELYN WALKED INTO THE HOME, wondering how it was that Bucky had met that blonde that had saved her from something that could've been a total disaster. She let in a deep breath, moving her thoughts away from the woman and back towards their mother that wasn't doing so good. The house was quiet, too quiet in Evelyn's opinion. She frowned, taking her coat of and placing it on the coat rack before walking towards the living room.

"Steve?" She called out his name. She continued through the house before coming upon his door that was cracked only slightly. She frowned before gently knocking, softly saying her brother's name once more before carefully pushing the door open a little more, only to see him laying in his bed with his eyes closed and red splotches splashed across his faces. Her frown deepened. "Oh, Steve." She softly spoke.

She walked out of his room and into the bathroom, grabbing a rag and soaking it before wringing it out and walking back into her brother's room. She gently placed the rag over his head, before taking the covers and pulling it up to his chin before a sad smile fell on her face. With a soft sigh, she turned off his light and walked out of his room, closing his door. She winced slightly when the phone started ringing, making her quickly rush over to the living room before sitting in her seat and answering it.

"Hello?" Evelyn questioned, wondering who it could be that was calling her. They didn't calls all that often. Especially not from the person who answered.

"Hey, Evie." Bucky's voice fell through the phone and a gentle smile over took her features.

"Bucky!" The girl smiled. "Why are you calling? You don't live too far away."

"I just wanted to check in and see how your mom was." Bucky told the female. Evelyn twirled her finger around the phone cored, a frown on her face as she glanced towards Steve's closed bedroom door as a sigh fell from her lips. "Eve?"

"She's not doing so well, Buck." Evelyn softly said, almost as if she were afraid of waking up Steve with the news. "She's getting worse everyday, being around all of those other patients. It isn't helping her heal when she isn't secluded from everyone. I don't want her to be there, I want her to be here with us."

"She'll be sent home very soon, Evelyn." Bucky promised the female. Tears were filling the blonde's eyes as she clenched her jaw, trying to keep the tears pressed back. But her voice shook as she softly whispered her next words.

"You don't know that." She told him, moving the phone so that it wasn't near her mouth in order to take a deep shaky breath before moving it back in its place. "What if they don't let her come home, Bucky? I don't want her to die alone." A tear trickled down her cheek and she quickly brought up her finger and wiped it away. "And what makes it worse, is that I think Steve is sick again. I came home and he was passed out on his bed."

"He's alright, though?" Bucky asked the woman.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll be better in the morning. He usually is." Evelyn told him. She looked around, feeling a gust of wind come from under the door sending a soft breeze into the air. She reached over, taking a blanket from the couch and placing it over her body as he fixed her hold on the phone. Deciding she would change the subject, a gentle smile fell on her face. "So, I met Celeste today."

"Oh?" Bucky questioned, almost as if he was nervous of what she thought.

"She saved my ass today, and she's really sweet." Evelyn told him, and she swore she could hear him let out a breath of relief.

"I would've introduced you two sooner. But then your mom being diagnosed happened and you and Steve have been busy with her. I didn't think it was the right time. . ."

"Maybe once Steve gets better we can all hang out. Just for an hour or two." Evelyn suggested.

"Of course." A smile was heard in the male's voice which made Evelyn smile in response. She perked up when she heard a cough from Steve's room, alerting her that he was awake. She glanced towards his room before looking back towards the phone cord that her finger was still messing with.

"I think Steve's awake. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Buck."

"Goodnight, doll."

Evelyn gently smiled. "Goodnight, Bucky." With that, the girl removed the phone from her ear and put it on the hook. She stood up, taking the blanket off of her and making her way to Steve's bedroom. She gently knocked twice before twisting the doorknob and gently pushing the door open wide enough to poke her head inside.

"Steve?" She softly asked. The blonde moved his head so that he could see his sibling. She offered him a soft smile falling on her face as she entered, taking a seat beside him on his bed. "Hey."

"When did you get back?" Steve questioned her.

"About thirty minutes or so." She answered him. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. How's mom doing?"

Evelyn frowned slightly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a soft sigh falling from her lips. "Not so well." She admitted, rubbing his arm as she watched a frown fall on his face. "Don't worry about her, alright? I'm constantly checking in. You just get better first, alright? Then you can worry about her." Evelyn looked towards his window, watching as the sky turned black. "How about a bowl of soup before going to sleep for the night?"

"Eve, you don't have to―︎"

"I'm the older sibling―︎"

"By two minutes."

"―︎and I'm supposed to take care of you." She smiled as Steve rolled his eyes in response. She gave him a pat on the arm before standing up and walking out of the room, preparing her brother a bowl of nice and warm chicken soup.

 She gave him a pat on the arm before standing up and walking out of the room, preparing her brother a bowl of nice and warm chicken soup

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