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WHEN SHE WAS TOLD THAT her brother was the chosen candidate, she didn't know how to feel. She didn't know whether to be happy, panicked, angry, or all of the above. So, instead, she paced back and forth, unclenching and clenching her jaw as she tried to decide how to feel. Peggy and Celeste watched her pace back and forth with their arms crossed over their chests.

     "Why don't you go and talk to him?" Celeste tried, watching her friend with a raised eyebrow. Evelyn didn't respond, just continued pacing.

     Peggy and Celeste exchanged looks before Peggy sighed and uncrossed her arms and she walked up to Evelyn ad grabbed a hold of her to stop her from pacing. Evelyn stopped, meeting Peggy's eyes. The brunette could see the worry in her eyes for her brother and Peggy only wished she could assure her that everything was going to go well, but she couldn't because she didn't know that. "Evelyn, go and see your brother before he goes to bed for the night."

Evelyn looked at the woman for a moment before swallowing and nodding her head. Peggy gave her a gentle smile before watching as Evelyn walked away with Peggy watching her leave until she was out of sight. Celeste cocked her head slightly as she looked at the woman before finding a smirk forming on her face, causing the angel to look down to the ground before letting it fall, and joining Peggy in a conversation.

     Evelyn swallowed thickly before entering the tent in which her brother was. He looked up at the sound of heels clicking on the floor and smiled when he saw his twin enter the room. "Eve."

     "Hey." Evelyn smiled, walking over to the bed and sitting down beside of him. She sighed before turning her head to look at him. "How are you feeling about tomorrow?"

     "A little nervous." Steve admitted.

     "Me too."

     "Will you be there?" He questioned. "To watch?"

     "If you want me to be." Evelyn nodded her head.

     Steve looked at his sister for a moment, and could practically feel her nerves radiating from her body. He grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze. "I'll be okay, Eve."

     "You better be." Evelyn scoffed, though a joking smile fell on her lips. "I don't think I'd be able to live my life without my other half by my side."

     "You'll have to eventually." Steve shrugged.

     "Yeah, but not for at least fifty years." Evelyn replied. She sighed before standing up. "I'll see you tomorrow."

     "Tomorrow." Steve nodded before watching her leave the tent.


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