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     "JOHANN SCHMIDT BELONGS IN A bughouse." Colonel Phillips started. "He thinks he's a god, and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA." He pointed to the map that was placed on the wall.

     "Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities." Howard made his way over to the table, sitting down on one of the chairs. "He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire Eastern Seaboard in an hour."

     There was a pause before Gabe asked, "How much time we got?"

     "According to my new best friend, under twenty-four hours." Phillips answered.

     "Where is he now?" One of the men asked.

     "HYDRA'S last base is here." He held up a picture and pointed at it. "In the Alps, 500 feet below the surface." He threw the pictures onto the table. Jim Morita picked up the phots and paused for a moment to look at them.

     "So, what are we supposed to do?" He placed the photos back down and Celeste took it upon herself to take them and look at them. "I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door."

     "Why not?" Steve finally asked, causing everyone to look at him. "That's exactly what we're going to do."

And like Steve said, that's exactly what they did. Steve, of course, went in first, taking out the ones outside before he was surrounded and taken inside. They started infiltrating when the time was right, with the Howling Commandoes saving Steve's ass and everyone else fighting any soldiers that made it towards them. Shots were thrown that completely obliterated the person that it hit. Definitely not the kind of technology that they had come up with. Peggy and Evelyn stayed by each other's side, making their way into the building.

Evelyn turned her head, quickly shooting down one of the soldiers that had made his way towards Peggy. The woman looked at Evelyn, nodding at her before they continued forwards. That's when they stopped, noticing one of the men that was blasting fire all throughout the hall. Without even thinking both she and Evelyn rose their guns and shot the man down, watching as he exploded before Steve came out of his hiding place. Evelyn ran and met him halfway, placing an arm on his shoulder.

     "You good?"

     He nodded. "Always. You?"

     Peggy joined her side and Evelyn smirked. "Of course. Hey, you better watch yourself. I'm not always going to be there to save your ass."

     "Yeah." He scoffed.

     Evelyn smiled before nodding her head. "Go."

     "Right." He sighed before quickly running off with the two women watching him go. They were quick to run back into the fight, killing any of the soldiers that even looked towards them. When she wasn't paying attention, Peggy was quick to grab her arm, pulling the woman towards her just as a shot went off. Peggy was quick to shoot the man down before meeting Evelyn's eyes. Their noses were practically touching.

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