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The Rogers siblings weren't exactly the most popular duo in the town of Brooklyn, New York. Well, at least Steve wasn't. Evelyn didn't really bother with the status of popularity, instead her goal was keeping her brother from being beat up every other day. She was thirteen years old, her hair placed in wavy curls along her shoulders as she closed her locker door. She looked around the crowded hallway, watching as students quickly filed out of the school building in hopes of getting as far away from it as possible.

Her eyes were scanning for her brother, it wasn't hard to miss him. He was at least two feet shorter than her, no muscle what so ever, but the kindest smile anyone in the entire town had. When the halls were empty, and her brother was no where in sight, a soft sigh left her lips. She moved her blonde hair, setting it off of her shoulder as she exited the building.

And as she expected, she heard the sound of insults being tossed around as well as punches. Evelyn sighed before turning down the alley, finding her brother on the ground getting beat up. She made a run for it, shoving one of the boys away. "Get away from him!"

"Aye look at this, you need your sister to come and save you." The two guys laughed and Evelyn scowled at them before turning to help her brother up. "Oh no, sweetheart, I don't think so."

Suddenly, she was grabbed around the waist and shoulders, causing her to struggle in the strong bullies grip. "Let go of me!" The bully went back to hitting her brother, Evelyn trying to free herself. "Stop it! Stop it you're going to kill him!" Evelyn was starting to panic, she could only watch as her brother continued to stand back up, holding up his fists whilst saying, "I can do this all day." He had blood pouring from his nose, a bruise forming on his cheek. Suddenly, Steve was knocked hard to the ground, trying to push himself from the ground only for him to be kicked back down.

"Steve!" She narrowed her eyes at the bully, her tears making her blurry vision. "Don't touch him again!"

"What are you going to do about it, darlin'?"

Evelyn scowled at the nickname. "Let me go and I'll show you." The two boys just laughed at her and she fought against the bullies grip again.

"You heard the lady, let her go." A new voice appeared, making the two bullies and two siblings turn their heads. A boy that was a year older than them appeared. He had short brown hair and a stern look that was so calm it could kill. The bullies exchanged looks, scoffing before finally Evelyn was thrown to the ground, out of the kids grasp. She crawled over to Steve, turning him onto his back and letting a tear slip down her cheek at how bruised he looked.

"I'm so sorry." She told her brother. He smiled at her through the pain, bringing his hand up to wipe away her tears.

"Don't cry, Eve. I don't like it when you cry."

"I know." She sniffled. They both turned their heads, watching as the new kid fought the bullies back, eventually making them run away. He turned to the duo, offering them a kind smile. Evelyn helped her brother stand up, watching as he wiped the blood from his nose and onto his sleeve. Evelyn looked at the boy, swallowing before smiling gratefully at him. "Thank you."

"My pleasure, ma'am." He nodded towards her. "I'm James Barnes, but my friends call me Bucky."

"Well, I hate to tell you, but you've made yourself two new friends." Evelyn joked. Bucky smiled at this. "I'm Evelyn Rogers, this is my twin brother, Steve."

"Thank you for what you did." Steve smiled. "But I had that under control."

"Really? I couldn't tell." Bucky retorted. Evelyn chuckled at this whilst Steve just gave a sheepish smile. "I was just heading home, care to join me for the walk?"

The two Rogers siblings exchanged looks, not knowing that the choice they were about to make would give them both their best friend of many years. The duo smiled before nodding their heads. "We would love to."

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