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THIS HAD BEEN THE FIFTH attempt on her life. Someone was trying to kill her and she wasn't quite sure who it was, but whoever it was she wasn't surprised to say the least. She was Captain America's sister, and his enemies were her enemies so there was no telling who was determined to have her head on a silver platter. But whoever it was, they were really bad at hiring assassins that could correctly complete the job. She'd been shot, dragging herself to Howard's house that Jarvis resided in, allowing the man to remove the bullet and sew her up.

The blood was still on her body when Peggy came into the mansion, worry was clear on her face. When she saw Evelyn still there, breathing and perfectly fine, she relaxed. She quickly walked over to Evelyn, placing a kiss to her lips before taking a seat beside of her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it slightly. Evelyn cleaned the blood from her side, pulling her shirt back down just as Jarvis came back into the room with a first aid kit. He placed cream over the wound that was supposed to help heal it before walking out again.

     "Do you know who it was?" Peggy asked. Evelyn had filled her in on everything she knew―︎which wasn't much. Now, Peggy was constantly worried that someone was going to kill her girlfriend and it was stressing her out. Her brown hair and grown out a little longer as had Evelyn's blonde hair. Evelyn shook her head and Peggy sighed. "Eve, this is the fifth time this has happened in the span of six months."

     "That's a good thing." Evelyn pointed.

     "How in the bloody hell is that a good thing?"

     "Oh I got the bloody hell, I've made someone upset." Evelyn muttered, sitting up and trying not to wince as she did so. "To be fair, it could be worse. Someone could be trying to kill me every day. Though, admittedly, it's a little harder to find who's trying to kill me when they're only sending one assassin per month. But hey, at least I'm getting some fighting action. More than I get at the job I've had since the end of the war."

     Peggy frowned. "Evelyn, this isn't a joking matter. This is serious. There's someone out there that's trying to kill you. Why aren't you more worried about this?"

     Evelyn shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." She looked at Peggy, noticing how worried she was. Evelyn reached over and grabbed her other hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Pegs, you're forgetting who my brother was. I'm Steve Rogers'―︎aka Captain America's―︎twin sister. He won the war, he made enemies as he did it. It's not really all that surprising to me that his enemies have become mine and are trying―︎and failing―︎to kill me." She placed a hand on Peggy's cheek, offering her a reassuring smile. "You don't need to worry, okay? I'm probably going to have people trying to kill me the rest of my life."

     "Well, none of them will succeed." Peggy promised. "I won't let them."


     "Your enemies are my enemies." Peggy told her, nothing but serious. "We're in this together, Evelyn. We'll take them down one by one, and I'll be at your side whilst I do it. I won't leave you. Especially not after everything we've been through. Understand?" Evelyn didn't say anything. Instead the blonde just stared at her. Peggy furrowed her eyebrows in both confusion and concern, frowning slightly as she looked at Evelyn. "Why are you look at me like that?"

     Evelyn stared at her for another moment before softly asking, "Have I ever told you that I love you?" Peggy relaxed and rolled her eyes. "I'm serious. I love you and I'd never leave you behind. Just like I know you'll never leave me behind. We're in this together. Up until the very end." She smiled slightly. "'til death do us part."

     Peggy rolled her eyes again. "What? Are you saying your wedding vows now?"

     Evelyn shrugged. "Would you complain if I were?"

     "Did Jarvis give you any medication before I got here? I told him not to do that."

     "You don't think we'll get married?" Evelyn pouted.

     "It's not exactly legal, now is it?" Peggy reminded her.

     Evelyn shrugged her shoulders. "So? Who says anyone has to know? I'm sure Jarvis can get in touch with Howard and buy a preacher license thing. We find Stark, he'll be our witness. Boom. Married."

     "Evelyn, we haven't even been together for a year." Peggy replied, standing up from the chair.

     "So?" Evelyn sat up. "Peggy, if I could, I'd marry you right here right now. I have no doubts about us. I can only hope that you don't either."

     "Of course not." Peggy shook her head. "I just don't want you to do something you might regret."

     "What's there to regret?" Evelyn stood up. "I'd have Margaret fuckin' Carter as my wife. I'd be the happiest woman alive."

     Peggy stared at her for a moment before placing a kiss to her lips. Evelyn kissed her back before the two pulled away. The longer Peggy thought about it the more bizarre it was, but the more bizarre it was the more she wanted to do it. Finally, Peggy nodded her head. "Alright, Rogers. I'll marry you."

     Evelyn pulled away from her, eyes widening in surprise. "What, really? I was totally being hypothetical." Peggy only shrugged and Evelyn smiled and wide beautiful smile that made Peggy's heart pound in her chest. "Okay. Alright. But, we're not doing it without Howard. We should wait a little while, just a little while. Not to long, just to make sure we both want it."

     Peggy nodded. "Whenever you're ready."

     "I love you."

     Peggy chuckled softly. "I love you too." The two shared another kiss before Evelyn jumped up and down in excitement before gaining her composure.

      "First, we figure our who's trying to kill me. Next, marriage."

     "Sounds like a solid plan."

     "Doesn't it?" Evelyn smiled. "Well, we better get started then."

     "After you." Peggy motioned. Evelyn only smiled again before walking deeper into the home, hoping that maybe there was something in here that she could use in order to discover who wanted her dead.

 Evelyn only smiled again before walking deeper into the home, hoping that maybe there was something in here that she could use in order to discover who wanted her dead

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