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WHEN THEY MANAGED TO FIND Bucky, they had convinced him to come with them to the carnival, and so, he did. The three walked to the carnival, a smile plastered on both boys faces as they watched Evelyn skip along the road, an excited look that wasn't seen that often covering her face.

"We're going on the Farris Wheel first." Evelyn told them, turning so that she was walking backwards as she looked at the two boys. She furrowed her eyebrows, before shaking her head. "No, I want cotton candy first."

Steve exchanged a look with Bucky before looking back at his sibling. "We'll get the chance to do everything."

"I know." Evelyn nodded, a smile on her face. She turned around, her hands in her jacket as she continued walking. She could hear the carnival from there, making her smile widen. She hadn't been to a carnival in a long while, and she was excited to get the chance to go with not only her brother, but her best friend. She looked up, her eyes narrowing on the white dots that were starting to decorate the sky. After much convincing, Evelyn had managed to convince her brother, best friend, and mother to go at night time so that they could see all of the colorful lights. They grew closer and closer until they had finally made it. Evelyn payed for her ticket before Bucky or Steve could even think about doing so, and she made her way through the carnival.

There were people everywhere, some playing games, some sitting and eating, some riding the rides that were there. The lights were gorgeous, and it was the reason why Evelyn just stood there, staring at them before Bucky slung an arm around her shoulders, snapping her back to reality. She looked at him, smiling.

"Where to first, madam?" He asked, Steve joining his side. Evelyn pursed her lips, her eyes roaming the area before they narrowed in on the cotton candy stand, making her smile.

"Cotton candy will be our first stop for today." Evelyn smiled.

"Cotton candy it is." He nodded before the trio walked towards the stand. A woman around their age was working, smiling kindly at her customers before the trio went up. Evelyn met the hazel eyes of the woman, her breath hitching in her throat as she looked at her. She was beautiful. She long chocolate hair went to her mid back, her hazel eyes were filled with kindness, and her lips just screamed joy as they were tilt upwards. Evelyn forced herself to look away, silently telling herself to stop whatever it was that she was doing in her head.

"How are you lovely people today?" She asked, looking at the trio.

"We're amazing, doll." Bucky told the girl, sending her one of his blinding smiles that most girls would fall for, Evelyn being the exception. Bucky turned to look at Steve, asking what he wanted before looking at Evelyn and doing the same thing. "Eve?"

Evelyn blinked before turning her head to Bucky. "Pink."

"I should've known the twins would want the same thing." Bucky mumbled before paying for the cotton candy's. He handed Steve and Evelyn there's before taking the blue for himself and thanking the woman.

"Thank you." Evelyn smiled before turning on her heel and walking away, her brother and best friend joining her. They walked in silence, listening to the noise that was going on around them in content. Evelyn wished that they could do this every night, but school was a priority. And she only had one month of it left. Which meant one more month of protecting her brother from bullies before she went off to college. A frown fell on her face, immediately grabbing her brothers attention. Bucky, being who he was, had run off towards a redhead that he thought was cute, leaving the siblings to themselves.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked, looking up at the blonde. Evelyn blinked, turning her head to look at her brother. She shook her head.

"Nothing's wrong."

"You can't lie to me." Steve told her. She let out a huff, knowing that he was right.

"I promise it's nothing. I'm just thinking about things that I shouldn't be thinking about for the moment." Evelyn assured him. It wasn't a total lie, but it wasn't necessarily the full truth either. "Don't worry about me. Let's just go save Bucky before he makes a fool of himself."

Steve looked at her for a moment before deciding to let it go and nodding his head, a chuckle leaving his lips. "Let's do that."


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