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BOTH FEMALES STOOD IN THE road and both of them started shooting at the man that had killed Dr. Erskine. He quickly got into a car, the duo still shooting at him. The car crashes, forcing the man to switch cars. He gets into a taxi, throwing the previous man out of the car and turns the car so that it was coming right for the two agents. However, they didn't move. They continued to shoot at him. Right before he can hit them, Steve appears and shoves the two girls out of the way.

"We had him!" Evelyn snapped at her brother who was bare foot and running after the car.

He turned his head to look at them before yelling, "Sorry!" And then he disappeared from sight around a corner. Evelyn sat there for a moment in slight disbelief as she sighed and shook her head. "I have a feeling that's going to be happening a lot more often."

"You and I both." Peggy muttered before standing up and pulling Evelyn up from the girl. They turned their heads at the sound of the door opening, watching as Celeste made her way out of the building with a frown on her face. Her hands were stuffed in her pockets as she moved to stand right in front of the two females.

"Oh, I don't like that look." Evelyn mumbled.

Celeste sighed as she tucked a blonde strand of hair behind her ear. "Dr. Erskine is dead. The bullet lodged in his chest and killed him almost immediately." She looked around for a moment before turning back towards the two. "I thought I saw Steve run out here?"

"He did." Peggy nodded. "Chased after the man who shot Erskine."

"He ran hella fast too." Evelyn hummed.

"Come on." Peggy sighed, placing a hand on both Celeste and Evelyn's shoulders before walking back into the building. It wasn't until the next day that her brother had to get blood drawn that she had silently watched from outside of the room at the interaction between Peggy and her brother, and Evelyn couldn't help but smirk slightly as she watched the way that her brother talked and looked at the female. Evelyn didn't realize that it was the same way that she looked at Peggy.

Her attention turned at the sound of Colonel Phillips' voice entering the room. She watched the man with crossed arms as he and one of the sergeants along with the senator grew closer to her. Her eyes turned at the sound of heels coming closer as well, smiling gently at Celeste. Celeste sent Evelyn a small nod before both blonde's turned their attention back towards Phillips who stopped in front of Howard's invention that he was currently working on.

"What have we got here?" Phillips asked, looking at Howard.

"Speaking modestly, I'm the best mechanical engineer in this country. But I don't know what's inside this thing or how it works. We're not even close to this technology." Howard stated truthfully.

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