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EVELYN LOOKED AROUND, HER arms crossed over her chest as she and Celeste stood there, patiently waiting for this Peggy person to show up. Evelyn was getting anxious the longer that they stood there, waiting. Celeste could see this, but the angel had the smallest of smiles on her face. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was setting up a fate that wouldn't have been completed had she not helped out. And she knew that those weren't her orders, and she knew that she wasn't supposed to grow close to the humans, but she couldn't help herself.

A dark haired woman entered, a red dress covering her body as she glanced around before noticing Celeste standing there with another blonde standing beside of her. Peggy Carter walked up to the two, offering Celeste a small smile.


     "Peggy, how are you?" Celeste smiled, the two women hugging before pulling away. Evelyn stood there, her heart slamming in her chest as she looked the beautiful brunette up and down. She held a British accent, and a kind smile covered her face. And she was absolutely gorgeous. Evelyn felt her eyes widen slightly, trying to blink as to not be caught staring. Celeste smile in amusement.

     "Evelyn, this is my friend Peggy Carter. Peggy, this is Evelyn Rogers." Celeste introduced. Peggy held out her hand.

     "Lovely to meet you, Evelyn."

     Evelyn cleared her throat, grabbing Peggy's hand and shaking it, forcing a smile on her lips. "You as well, Peggy." The three women took their seats, Celeste and Evelyn sat on one side of the table and Peggy sat on the other. The three got their drinks, offering the waitress a smiles before she walked away. Peggy looked between the two women before focusing her eyes onto Celeste.

     "There must've been a reason you asked me here besides talking over coffee." Peggy spoke to the girl, cocking her head slightly. Celeste nodded her head before glancing towards Evelyn and then back towards the dark haired woman.

     "There is." Celeste nodded her head. "I know you're with the army." Peggy nodded in response, taking a sip of her drink. "Her brother and best friend are wanting to join, and well. . . so do we. We just wanted to know if there was any possible way that you could help us out. Get us in, or something?"

     "I don't know, Celeste. . ."

     "Please, Peggy. I know that it's a lot to ask." Celeste told the woman. "Just tell us what we have to do."

     "Well, you have to qualify." Peggy simply answered. "But not like those men. You need to qualify in the sense that you know what you're doing, and you don't need anyone to look after you."

     Celeste glanced towards Evelyn whose focus was sorely on the woman in front of her. Evelyn was terrified, to say the least. But as she sat there, staring at Peggy as the woman described what it was like to be a woman in the army, she couldn't help but want to join. Not only for her brother and Bucky, but for the fact of not wanting Peggy to be the only woman in the army with all those disgusting men surrounding her. In fact, the simple thought made Evelyn's stomach churn and her jaw to clench. Evelyn nodded her head. "Fine. Whatever it takes."

     Peggy looked towards the girl, slightly raising an eyebrow at the girl's sudden determination. A smile quirked on her lips as she looked at Evelyn, her brown eyes met Evelyn's blue eyes, nodding her head slightly. Peggy turned her attention back towards Celeste. "You know how to reach me. Whenever you're ready to join, just inform me. I'll be there."

     "Thank you, Peggy." Celeste smiled, Peggy nodded her head in response.

     "Of course." Peggy nodded. She looked between the two, her eyes lingering on Evelyn for a moment before she sent the two blonde's a smile. "I must be going. We'll be in touch, I hope?"

     "Absolutely." Celeste nodded. 

     Peggy stood up from the table, her eyes focused on Evelyn as she sent the blonde a smile. "It was lovely meeting you, Evelyn."

     "You as well, Peggy." Evelyn nodded before watching the woman walk away. Celeste took a sip of her drink, a smirk falling on the woman's lips as she watched Evelyn watch Peggy walk away. She wasn't going to say anything about, not wanting to interfere with anything she wasn't supposed to interfere with. Celeste pushed her hair off her shoulders as she turned her attention towards Evelyn.

     "We'll need to train." Celeste told her, nodding her head.

     "Train? What do you mean?" Evelyn frowned, cocking her head slightly.

     Celeste smiled in amusement. "Oh, Evelyn, I hate to say it, but I'm not like the woman around here in these parts. In fact, I'd like to say I'm not seen as a lady like person because I know how to defend myself. That's what I mean by train."

     "You're going to teach me how to defend myself?" Evelyn questioned, raising an eyebrow at her. Celeste nodded her head.

     "That and so much more." She stood up and Evelyn copied her actions. "You trust me, don't you Evelyn?"

     "More than anything." Evelyn nodded.

     "Good." Celeste smiled. "Your training starts now. And it doesn't end until I say so."

This is the end of part one! With that being said, this story is going to go on hold until I finish one part of another story or another story all together! I hope you've all enjoyed the story so far!

END OF PART ONE!This is the end of part one! With that being said, this story is going to go on hold until I finish one part of another story or another story all together! I hope you've all enjoyed the story so far!

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