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EVELYN STOOD THERE WITH HER army outfit on, her hair curled up to her shoulders as her arms were crossed behind her back. She glanced around at all of the soldiers that were training, preparing themselves for the war. And much to her surprise, she found herself being one of the trainees. She had only been there for a week, but what a long week it had been. So many remarks about her being a woman came up, but it didn't bother the girl, in fact she usually had her own comeback that would make the soldiers shut up.

When Steve had found out that his own sister had managed to get involved with the army, he was upset. He wanted nothing more than to be a part of the fight, but secretly Evelyn was grateful for the rejects he would continuously get. She was protective of her twin, and she didn't want anything happening to him, even if that meant crushing his dream to be a soldier like their father had been.

     "Since you lot decided to be mouthy today, I want fifteen extra laps, no excuses. Go." Evelyn snapped at the group of soldiers, hiding her satisfied smirks when some of them let out silent profanities before watching as the group of men all took off running.

     "Breaking them in well, I see." Peggy smiled, taking a stand beside of the girl. Evelyn turned her head to look at the brunette before looking back to the place that the soldiers had just run off to as she sighed and nodded her head.

     "Ungrateful assholes." Evelyn muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.

     "Walk with me before you leave?" Peggy requested and Evelyn nodded her head before the two turned around and started walking. "How is your brother doing?" It was true that Peggy and Evelyn had quickly become close within the week that Evelyn had been there, but they always seemed to focus on one another whenever Celeste invited them over to hang out and listen to the angel as she ranted about everything under the sun.

     "He's doing alright." Evelyn nodded. "He, uh, isn't too happy that I managed to get involved and he hasn't. It's all he wants. To join the fight. But I think he just wants mom and dad to be proud of him, even though I know that they would be with no matter what he did."

     "And you?" Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Are you proud of him?"

     "Of course I am. He's my brother that can do no harm." Evelyn answered with a chuckle. "I just wish he wouldn't focus sorely on this one task. He'll do anything to get in. His asthma alone disqualifies him."

     "Have you tried talking to him about it?"

     "Several times. He just won't take no for an answer." Evelyn sighed once more and Peggy frowned slightly before placing a hand on the woman's shoulder and offering her a small smile.

     "He'll be alright, Evelyn." Peggy assured the girl.

     "I hope so. Because I won't be here forever to take care of him, and neither will Bucky."

     "You ready?" Celeste's voice grabbed their attention, the angel walking over to the two with the same uniform covering her body. It was a quick rumor that spread around the camp about Celeste and her harsh training ways, and the woman did nothing but bathe in it. She loved being harsh to the humans―︎well, the ones that deserved it that was.

     "Yep." Evelyn answered before taking a few steps towards her, turning her head to look at Peggy. "See you tomorrow?"

     "Bright and early." Peggy nodded before standing there and watching as the two women walked away.

The two women walked in comfortable silence, and Evelyn couldn't help but notice the look that was covering Celeste's face. The blonde was frowning, biting the inside of her cheek as she furrowed her eyebrows, focusing sorely on the ground as if she were in deep thought. The girl almost looked angry.

     "Celeste, is everything alright?"

     "Hm?" Celeste blinked, snapping herself from her trance before turning her head to look at Evelyn. "Oh, yes, everything's great."

     "You're getting better at your sarcasm." Evelyn scoffed. "Come on, what's going on in that head of yours?"

     "It's just. . ." The angel sighed, closing her eyes before opening them once more. "Bucky got his orders today. That's why he wants to meet up. Tonight's his last night, and he's leaving tomorrow."

     "And you're worried." Evelyn quickly caught on and Celeste nodded her head.

     "I know that he can take care of himself. I know that, I do. And I know he doesn't need me to protect him, but I can't help but to wish that I was there by his side to protect him from any harm that could possibly come to him." Celeste answered, shaking her head.

     "But isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Evelyn questioned. "Not that you can't take care of yourself, because my God you can. But, isn't he supposed to be the one worried sick over protecting you? Isn't that why he's doing this? To help stop the people that could hurt you? To hurt us?"

     "Well, someone like me has no choice but to worry about his safety."

     "Someone like you?" Evelyn frowned, furrowing her eyebrows. It was true that Celeste hadn't told Evelyn of what she really was, but the girl had already told Bucky and Peggy, she didn't need another human to know the truth about the being that she was. Though she so desperately wanted to tell the blonde, she had a feeling that it would be found out on its own, and she would just let it play out.

     "Yeah. A girl who is worried about her silly little crush." Celeste rolled her eyes at her own words.

     "Her silly little crush." Evelyn mocked. "You two have known one another for a few months, right? And yet neither of you have admitted your feelings for one another, and Steve and I are quite literally about to go crazy and lock you two into a room together so that something happens."

     "I can't like him, Eve." Celeste denied.

     "But why not?" Evelyn stopped dead in her tracks and turned to look at her. "You two are so good for one another."

     "It's against the rules." Celeste snapped, frustrated with the situation she had put herself in. "It's against my beliefs."

     "What beliefs? The belief that you don't deserve to be loved? Listen, I'm the most insecure person in our little group, you are not allowed to take that title from me."

      "That's because you're―︎"

     "Don't finish that sentence." Evelyn quickly cut her off. If it was said out loud, then that meant that it was the truth. And Evelyn wasn't prepared to admit it to herself that she preferred women over men. The Rogers twin sighed before nodding her head, "Come on, we don't want to be late." And then, the two started forward once more, planning to meet up with Steve and Bucky.

" And then, the two started forward once more, planning to meet up with Steve and Bucky

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