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SHE WAS NERVOUS TO SAY the least. Putting herself out there in the public, which was something that she hadn't done since the death of her brother, it was nerve wracking for the blonde haired woman. Her long curly hair blew slightly in the light wind, her brown coat was tucked tightly around her body allowing her to feel the press of her concealed weapon against her skin. She was a danger magnet. Maybe it's because she was Captain America's sister, but whatever it was, everywhere she went, trouble seemed to follow her. The only place where Evelyn felt safe was anywhere that Peggy Carter was.

It had taken her a long time, but after Steve's death, and during her time of mourning, realizing that Peggy was always there for her and by her side made Evelyn realize that Steve was right. That she had it bad for Margaret Carter. Every time she saw the woman her heart slammed in her chest and butterflies bloomed in her stomach. She hated herself for feeling it at the time because she had been mourning the death of her brother and feelings such as love and longing shouldn't have been on her mind. But now―︎though she was still mourning Steve mind you―︎she couldn't stop her mind from wandering to the other woman.

A soft sigh fell from Evelyn's lips as she found herself coming to a stop, the sound of her heels clicking against the concrete stopped and the world around her fell silent. Her eyes narrowed in on the police station, she could feel her hand curl into a fist before forcing herself to relax. She inhaled deeply, reminding herself as to why she was here in the first place. She was here to save her friend, and that's exactly what she was going to do.

She held her head high, straightening her shoulders as she confidently walked towards the station. She pulled open the door, entered, and the entire police station went silent. Evelyn turned her head in every direction, not at all surprised to find that everyone had stopped what they were doing in order to look at her. She felt her heart start to speed up, her nerves starting to get to her. She was quick to clench her jaw, forcing herself to stay composed. She walked to the front desk, eyes never leaving the man stationed behind of it.

"By the look on your face you know who I am." Evelyn started, calmly placing her hands on the counter. The man nodded his head, mouth slightly agape as he stared at the beautiful woman standing in front of her. "You know who my brother was." She turned head to look at the other officers. "It's been a year now. I know people have questions that they've been dying to ask me, so, now is your chance. In thirty minutes I want an interview, tell them to meet me in the park." She turned back to the officer at the desk. "Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am." He didn't hesitate. Evelyn gave him a kind smile in response, nodding her head and going to walk out, only to stop when another male voice grabbed her attention.

"I'm sorry miss, but we don't take orders from you."

"Oh, I know." Evelyn nodded, turning to look at him. "Trust me on this, darling, you'll want to listen to this one." She offered a smile. "Gooday, gentlemen." She turned on her heel and walked out and then she listened. The door closed, and then it opened, just as she had thought it would.

She walked a little further, listening to the footsteps that followed her. She found herself slowing in her steps until she came to a full stop. She had her head tilted down to the ground, listening to the person's footsteps stop as well. She smirked in amusement, her hands stuffed in her coat as she turned around to face them. She wasn't at all surprised to find that it was the officer from a few moments ago. Evelyn stared at the man for a moment, cocking her head to the side before asking, "Is there something wrong, officer?" She felt the weight of her gun at her side.

Evelyn walked closer to the man, her eyes trailing over his body as she watched his every movement. She knew what this was, she knew exactly what was about to happen. His hand was quick to snap towards his gun, pulling it from it's holster. By the time he was pointing it at her, Evelyn was even closer with her own gun in her hand as she held it pressed against his chest. She watched as fear took over him and she nodded her head towards the weapon. "Put the weapon down, officer."

He looked at her, moving his head slightly in a shake. "I have a feeling you know I can't do that."

"You're the one that's framed him, aren't you?" Evelyn questioned. "What's to say that I don't murder to you right here on the spot and clear my friend's name? You may be a man, but I'm Steve Rogers' sister. And that means a lot more to the people around here than you could possibly know. So, you have a choice, officer―︎if you even are an officer, but let's face it, we both know you're not. Either you put the gun down, or I put you down."

He moved and she shot him without hesitancy. Now was time to cover it up. She let tears fill her eyes, going so far as to shoot the gun off again but aiming it at a wall and not at the man who was lying on the ground, gasping for air as blood filled his lungs. Just in time, several officers were quick to run outside, spotting the woman and making their way over to hurt. "He tried to kill me," She whispered. It wasn't a lie.

"Are you hurt, Miss Rogers?" One guy asked.

"Someone get an ambulance!" Called another.

"He just tried to kill Miss Rogers, he doesn't deserve an ambulance." Spat a different one.

"Do you still want your interview?" Evelyn nodded. "Alright, well, we'll bring some officers with you, just to be safe."

Evelyn smiled, placing a hand on the officers own hand, nodding as she sniffled. "Thank you." She allowed him to lead her away, Evelyn making eye contact with the man as she stepped over his body before going back to fake crying.

" She allowed him to lead her away, Evelyn making eye contact with the man as she stepped over his body before going back to fake crying

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