Chapter Fifteen

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Morgan's POV

"Dude why did you invite me here this place it's so boring," Jason complained and threw himself on the floor.

"Because you are our friend and Kaden wanted to come." I responded as I watched Kaden do some tricks in her skateboard with her other friends.

"But you both know I hate the skate park," he whined, "Plus Kaden didn't tell me anything about coming so I'm guessing she invited you and you invited me."

"Pretty much yeah," I shrugged. "But if I have to suffer so do you."

"I hate you," he groaned.

"I love you too Jaybird." I made kissing noises earning an annoyed glare from my best friend.

"I sometimes wonder why am I your friend."

"Come on dude stop whining like a pussy, I have something to talk to you about," I pushed his arm.

He sat up and looked at me, "What about?"

"How do I start... okay well you see, I told you that in new year's day Kaden came by my house and we talked and fixed things up." I said and he nodded slowly, "Well that's not exactly how it went."

"What do you mean?"

"I- she- uh... we kissed."

"Excuse me can you repeat that."

I sighed.

"I know you heard me dumbass I'm not repeating shit."

Jason ignored what I said and kept asking, "Well how did that happen?"

"It's not a big deal we were on my rooftop it was almost new year and Kaden she... she looked so beautiful and I missed being with her that I don't know, I wanted to kiss her and I did."

"And why didn't you tell me that happened!?"

"Because there's a slight problem," I said and scratched my neck nervously.

"Morgan... what is it?"

"I still like Jessie."

"Are you fucking kidding me Morgan." Jason groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Why would you kiss Kaden if you like someone else then?"

"I don't know I wanted to."

He shook his head disapprovingly, "You can't jus-"

"Hey guys! I hope you two aren't too bored." Kaden said animatedly, unknowingly cutting Jason off.

"Not at all is nice seeing you skate, you're really good at it." I responded with a smile.

"Thanks Morg," Kaden said awkwardly and punched my arm with a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

I could see Jason looking between the two of us with a weird expression. Probably judging.

"So I came to check on you for a moment, we will only be here for another twenty minutes and then we can got eat lunch, what do you think?" Kaden said to us but I knew that the question was mostly towards me.

"Yeah sure, go we'll wait for you here."

Kaden nodded happily before squatting down to the floor and kissing my cheek, then she quickly left back to where she was.

"Morgan what I'm going to say is because I love you and Kaden," I heard Jason said from besides me. I turned my face towards him wondering what he'll say. "You need to leave Kaden alone, break this whole fake relationship shit if all you want is to be with Jessie because you are going to hurt Kaden even if you don't mean to do it."

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