The Do Over

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The Family Plan chapter eleven: The Do Over

Rafael POV

"Come on Max, you're going to get a runny nose if you keep crying so much" I sighed, taking a tissue to my little brother's snotty face.

Alec and Magnus left an hour and a half ago and he still hadn't stopped crying. He was going to start hyperventilating if he didn't stop.

"B-but Rafael, what if they don't come back?"

"I doubt they would have left us with Alec's parents if they were planning to ditch us somewhere. You don't have to worry. I'm sure they will be back soon."

Still, I say that and yet a small voice in my head wonders if they left us here for good too. Is it normal to leave kids with other people? I've never met my real grandparents, so I don't know how this 'family thing' all works.

"How about we all watch a movie together" Robert suggested walking into the living room with his wife. I honestly wanted them to leave us alone, but that wasn't going to happen while we were in their house.

"I don't want to. I want Alec and Magnus to come back" Max whined. He got off the couch and ran to the window looking out to watch for their car. I sighed, shaking my head at him. If this is how he acts now, how is he going to feel when they finally give up on us and give us back to the orphanage?

Come on. You know that won't happen.

The voice in my head scolded me and it made me feel annoyed. It means I'm starting to soften up and accept these strangers. There's no way I can do that though. Not when mamá is out there somewhere waiting for me to come back and take care of her.

Max gasped, pressing his face against the window. "Magnus's car pulled into the driveway! They came back!"

"Of course they did," Maryse assured him. "They always will."

Max moved away from the window and ran into the entryway, waiting at the front door impatiently. He was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation.

"They weren't gone that long," I mumbled, trying to shove down the feeling of relief forming in my chest. A part of me was happy that they came back for us. For Max's sake that is. There's no way I would care if they decided to leave us.

Nope. Wouldn't care at all.

I frowned slightly, reaching up and rubbing the sting of tears out of my eyes. Why would I need to cry? It's not like I was scared or anything. I'm not a baby like Max.

The front door opened and Max immediately clung to Alec's leg when he walked in, bawling his eyes out. He was crying so hard that he actually did start hyperventilating.

"Oh, don't cry my little blueberry. We are right here." Alec soothed, getting low and wrapping his arms around Max. Max clung to him for dear life, hiding his face in Alec's chest sobbing.

Alec rubbed the top of his head gently and I stood a few feet away, watching them. It's so strange to see someone other than me comfort Max when he cries. Mama never did it. I was the man of the house and taking care of Max was my job.

'It's not your job to teach your brother things or take care of him. Raising the children is the job of the parents. You don't have to carry that responsibility on your small shoulders.'

Alec had said that to me, and it still confused me to no end. Papá said that it was my responsibility to take care of Max and mamá both. If I'm not supposed to be taking care of Max... then does that mean I'm not supposed to take care of mamá either?

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now