Doubts and Tribulations

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The Family Plan Chapter Eighteen: Doubts and Tribulations.

Alec Pov

I once got in a really bad fight way back in middle school. I was fourteen, and ended up punching a guy in the face because he was spreading rumors about my sister. The next day, the same kid gathered all of his friends together and ganged up on me outside of the school. I was completely outnumbered, and was easily beaten to a pulp.

A teacher eventually found me, and I had to be rushed to the hospital. My mother had never been known to show her emotions to others, not even her own family. When she came into the hospital room, I was surprised by the look of utter horror on her face. The moment she saw I was alive, she burst into tears and just clung onto me crying.

She would later tell me that getting that phone call was the single worst moment of her life. So much so, that she thought she was going to die. I had thought she was exaggerating. It was just a small fist fight. The most I got was a bruised skull and a sprained wrist.

I didn't understand back then... but now I do.

My ability to breathe left me as I listened to Diego Rosales on the other end of the phone. It was as if my body forgot how to even perform the act. My ears were ringing, mind a blur because I just couldn't comprehend what he was saying.

Rafael getting in a fight, a knife being involved, my son injured and being taken to a hospital. None of it made sense. None of what he said sounded right. Rafael wouldn't get in a fight at school, would he? Where did the knife come from? How did he get cut?

God, my stomach was in knots at the thought of my child, laying on the gym floor bleeding out. How much was he bleeding? Was he going to die? Mr. Rosales said that the medics didn't say anything about his condition, only put him on a gernie and rushed him to the hospital. That's a bad sign, right?

I wanted to go to him. I wanted to run to that hospital, scoop my child in my arms and protect him from ever being hurt again. At the same time, I also felt like curling into a ball and dying. I wanted to rewind time and shield my son with my own body. Take all his injuries, all his pain.

Why? Why Rafael? What had he done to deserve it? What had he done to deserve any of the shit that has ever happened to him? From the moment he was born, he was on his own, left to pick himself up and bandage himself.

He didn't deserve it.

After hanging up with Mr. Rosales, I pushed Magnus's name on the screen before shakily bringing the phone to my ear. Rafael needed me to get to him, but Max was still at school. Someone will have to go pick him up.

Oh god, Max. Did he see Rafael get hurt? Does he know what's going on? I hope he didn't have to witness anything.

"Hello Alexander?"

Magnus's voice made tears sting at my eyes. My lip quivered as I tried to find the words to say, but nothing was coming out.

"Alec... Hey, what's wrong?" Magnus asked, voice concerned.

"W-what are you doing right now," I forced myself to say. The shakiness of my voice made him alert immediately.

"I'm at Ragnor's going over his next redesign. What happened?"

"R-Rafael got hurt at school. A kid pulled a knife on him and he was sent to the hospital."

Saying it out loud made it even more real, and the tightness of my chest became unbearable. I just don't understand why my baby has to keep getting hurt. Why was the world out to make his life so hard?

"Alec, you're hyperventilating," Magnus's voice broke through my thoughts. I could hear the sound of him grabbing his car keys and going through a door. "What hospital is he at?"

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