Bring The Kids to Work Day

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The Family Plan Chapter Five: Bring Your Kids to Work Day.

Alec Pov

"I don't want to get out of bed," Magnus whined, pulling the covers over his head. I sighed running my hand through my hair tiredly.

"We need to get up early to prepare breakfast and get the boys up."

"I don't have to be into work until eleven. Why not let the kids sleep in," Magnus asked, still hiding under the covers. I grabbed the blanket, pulling it off of him.

"The boys are going to work with me. It would be helpful if you could get them up while I prepare breakfast."

Magnus nodded, wrapping his arms around his pillow and cuddling more into it sleepily. "Yeah, I will totally do that. Give me five more minutes."

I sighed, dropping the blanket back on him and shaking my head. He wasn't getting up anytime soon. I was on my own with this one.

Walking out of the room, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a box of pancake mix and some chocolate chips. Max may not have liked my tuna casserole, but there is no way he can say no to my famous double chocolate chip pancakes. They were always a crowd-pleaser when I made them for my family.

I mixed everything together and put a pan on the burner before getting to work making the pancakes. The smell of them filled the kitchen and I smiled, satisfied with that. Back when I lived with my parents, the smell of pancakes used to pull Jace and Max out of bed. A feat that was nearly impossible back then.

Thinking about my younger brother Max, I couldn't help but wonder if my chocolate pancakes would still be enough to get him out of bed. Now eighteen, my brother has recently become a superstar in the world of Twitch streaming, whatever the heck that is. I told him that wasn't a real career, but he seems to disagree. He gets up to 12.6k watchers a night and makes over five thousand dollars a month, so who was I to tell him it wasn't a real job? He makes more than I do in a year!

He streams through-out the night though, so he sleeps through most of the day. It's hard to visit him when he is sleeping most of the time. I hope he goes to bed at a decent time the night before we're supposed to gather to meet the kids. I would hate for him to miss meeting his nephews just because he is too tired.

I flipped the last of the pancakes and set a plate of them on the counter before heading to the kids room to wake them up. I opened the door and frowned, looking at Rafael's side of the room. Both he and Max were asleep in their beds, but Rafael had his window wide open. That could have been extremely dangerous. What if someone had broken in?

I made my way over to the window, shut it, and locked it. We will have to have a talk later about keeping the windows shut.

"It's time to get up boys," I said, sitting on Rafael's bed and gently rubbing his head. Rafael leaned into my touch seemed soothed by it and I smiled, thinking he was adorable when he was sleeping.

"It's time to wake up and face the day," I said again, smiling. Rafael sleepily grabbed my hand and pressed it to his cheek, cuddling into it as he sleepily said, "five more minutes mamá."

My smile dropped, an ache of pain forming in my heart. Rafael was dreaming of his mother. He thought I was her. It's obvious he misses her terribly. If he had a choice, he and Max would be home with her, and never give Magnus and I a second thought.

Maybe someday that will change.

"Rafael, I made breakfast. You and Max need to wake up so you can get ready to go to work with me."

Rafael's eyes slowly drifted open, and he looked around tiredly before his eyes focused on me. The moment he realized he was cuddling with my hand, he frowned and quickly pushed it away from him.

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