And Make it Double

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The Family Plan Chapter Four: And Make it Double.

Magnus pov

"They are going to be here any minute. Do you think the flat looks good enough? This home check could make or break this whole thing," Alec stressed, moving all around the flat to get things ready.

"Calm down, Alexander. The house is in perfect condition. There is no way they will reject us at this point. Julian is bringing the kids with him and if everything goes as planned, they stay here. It might make them on edge if you are jumping around like a crazy person."

Alec nodded sitting next to me on the couch. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"You know I'm right. We just have to play it cool. For the first few weeks, Rafael is going to throw everything he has at us. We need to be prepared for anything that could happen."

Alec sighed, shaking his head. "Watching you both play mind games with each other is going to get exhausting real quick."

"I'll keep playing those 'mind games' until he admits that he likes us and wants to be a part of this family. The difference between me and his last two families is I know how to play on a child's level. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty."

"You are insane," he sighed, getting off the couch again. The door buzzer sounded and we both looked at each other, holding our breaths.

"It's time," Alec breathed calmly before going to push the button to let them inside the building.

I stood up as well, trying to mentally prepare myself. Everything we have done this week was preparing us for this moment. We got the boys' twin-sized beds, one on each side of the room, and a crap ton of toys and games for them to play with. I also managed to go to the store and sneak some dinosaur nuggets and mac and cheese cups into the house without Alec's knowledge.

Alec opened the door and Julian walked in with Max and Rafael coming in behind him. Max's eyes widened looking around the flat. He seemed to like the size and look of it. I smiled at him before glancing over at Rafael to get his verdict.

He had his arms crossed over his chest, glancing around as if he would rather be anywhere else but here. "This place is a hovel."

"Rafael," Julian called in a warning tone.

Max looked at his brother like he was crazy. "What are you talking about? This is the biggest apartment I have ever seen! Even mommy's was smaller than this!"

Rafael shook his head at Max, as if not wanting him to say anymore. Max covered his mouth and nodded back at his brother in silent understanding.

I glanced over at Alec, wondering if he caught that but if he did, he didn't show it on his face. He just smiled at the boys.

"We are so happy to have you both here. We got a room set up for the both of you down the hall if you want to check it out."

Max smiled at that. "We get a room?"

I frowned at him in confusion. "Of course you do. Why wouldn't you?"

"I thought apartments only came with one room," he said shrugging.

"Well, this place has four rooms. Eventually, you both can have your own, but for now, we figured you would want to stay together," Alec answered him.

Max grabbed Rafael's hand, looking up at him excitedly. Rafael gave him a small smile, but it was obviously forced. When he looked back up at Alec and me, the smile was gone and the scowl had returned.

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now