Weekend of Change

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The Family Plan Chapter Thirteen: Weekend of change

Rafael Pov

"Are you understanding it a little better," my new teacher Miss Christina asked, sitting across from me. She was giving me a one on one study session going over the alphabet. I had just spent an hour before then singing the stupid song for it over and over again, making me feel like I was younger than Max.

Only babies sing the Alphabet.

"I'm so stupid," I sighed, laying my head on the table. She shook her head no. "Not at all. You will understand it all someday. There's no way you would get it all in just one week. Just keep practicing the alphabet and using the flashcards I made you. Every night after dinner, have one of your parents go over them with you. Practice makes perfect after all."

"Miss Christina, I need help," another kid called from across the room. She nodded, getting up from the chair across from me. "I'll be right back Rafael."

She walked away and I sighed, looking at the stupid flashcards in my hands.

"Having trouble with letters?"

It took me a moment to realize that someone was speaking to me. I looked to the right and there was a boy the same age as me sitting there. He had hair so blonde it almost looked white and his eyes were a bright green.

Feeling self conscious that he saw the flashcards, I hid them under the table. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He shrugged before reaching into his backpack, pulling out some flashcards of his own. "Miss Christina made me some too. These are for math though. I'm really bad at it. Can barely add and subtract, let alone divide and multiply."

I frowned slightly at that. "I didn't understand half the things you just said."

He laughed and nodded. "Me either. Math words are confusing. My name is Ash Morgenstern. What's yours?"

"Um... Rafael."

"Is there a last name to go with that, Rafael?"

"Gonz..." I cut myself off, looking down at the desk frowning. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath before opening them again and looking back at him.

"Lightwood-Bane... I'm Rafael Lightwood-Bane."

"Like Alec and Magnus Lightwood-Bane," he asked, looking surprised.

"You know them?"

He shrugged. "I never met them. My aunt Clary is dating a guy named Jace and he is technically related to the Lightwoods."

So Clary is his aunt? I wasn't aware she had any siblings.

"I know her... she's letting me come to her place tomorrow to teach me how to use watercolors."

He smiled wide at that. "Isn't she amazing with art? I told her she should make a career out of it, but she said being an artist for a job is hard."

"I'm sure she could make it work though if she really tired," I commented, making him nod.

"That's what I told her! My dad and I have been trying for years to convince her but nothing helps. We're hoping Jace will be able to talk her into it."

He glanced down to where my hands were hiding under the table and smiled slightly. "You don't have to hide your cards you know. We all have them."

I felt my face heat up a bit as I slowly pulled the cards out and sat them on top of the desk. "It's embarrassing. What eleven year old doesn't know how to read?"

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now