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The Family Plan: Epilogue

Magnus Pov

"Why can't I still ever walk into the kitchen and not see my husband covered in baking powder?" I asked, leaning in the doorway of the kitchen.

Alec was standing at the counter focusing on frosting a cake he had set on a turntable. This felt like Deja vu of when he was making the cake for Isabelle's baby shower. Things were a lot simpler back then. Alec had just got the renovations done on his bakery and was making so many plans, while I just opened up an interior design company with my best friend. The only things we had to worry about back then was work and each other.

A lot can change though in a few months.

"Not only that, but you now have an accomplice," I mumbled, glancing toward the other counter closest to the fridge. Rafael was standing there also covered in baking powder, and he was using a pencil like tool to draw small intricate designs into fondant.

"Maia, Lily and I have a catering event this weekend so Rafael is assisting me. There's so much to do, I don't know if we will ever finish in time." Alec sighed, making me smile and him.

"Darling you always say that and you always manage to make it through just fine. Besides, it's not like it's a huge high end thing like last time. Jonathan Morgenstern hired you to make the desserts for Ash's birthday. Sounds pretty chill if you ask me."

"Well I didn't ask you," he shot back, making me hold my chest dramatically as if I had been shot. "There is no such thing as a 'small event' and a 'high end event'. I treat every single customer with the same amount of importance."

"I'm just hoping the party is inside," Rafael sighed. "This late October weather is killing me. Half the time I don't even want to leave the house. Thank god you guys actually have heat in this apartment."

I smirked playfully at him before wandering over to where he was standing, looking over his shoulders at the designs he was making. "You're doing a really good job there, sport. Trying to impress your boyfriend?"

"He is not my boyfriend!"

"Yet." Alec and I said together, before looking at each other and holding in our laughter.

"You both are impossible. Stay out of my business."

"It's a shame that Ash isn't doing a costume party. What a waste of a Halloween birthday," I changed the subject, making Rafael eye me suspiciously for a moment before turning back to his art.

"He said he doesn't care for the cliché Halloween parties. He wants to just have a normal gathering with his friends and family."

"He's turning fourteen right? Wow Rafael, didn't know you had a thing for older guys," I teased, making him turn around and kick me in the shin.

"Stop patronizing him, Magnus," Alec chuckled before looking at Rafael. "I always forget that Ash and you aren't the same age since you're in the same class together."

"He got held back a couple times. The old school he went to was bad and didn't take notice of his learning disability. Once his dad transferred him to another school, Miss Christina did some tests and they learned why he was having such a hard time absorbing information. He was also diagnosed with ADHD."

"Aww you know so much about him," I cooed, making him glare and try to kick my shin again but I dodged.

"Is there a reason you are in here antagonizing my help, Magnus?" Alec asked, setting a lid over the cake.

"As a matter of fact, there is. Did you all forget that we are supposed to be doing something really important right now?"

Alec raised an eyebrow at that. "No, you never told me about anything important going on today."

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now