Ghosts and Ashes

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The Family Plan chapter Seventeen: Ghosts and Ashes

Alec pov

"Oh god, Magnus!"

A loud moan passed my lips as I arched my back and neck against the sheets of our bed. Magnus chuckled softly from above me, before leaning down and kissing up my neck to the base of my chin.

"Alec darling, you know I love your pleasurable moans, but you might want to lower your voice. We do have children now."

I wrapped my arms tight around his neck, pulling him more on top of me so he could kiss more of my skin.

"Hard to keep quiet when you feel so good inside me," I practically purred, making a sexy gleam form in Magnus's eyes. He always loved when I complimented him during sex, and I always had plenty of compliments to give.

"You are so adorable," he chuckled before continuing to thrust deep inside me.

My eyes practically rolled to the back of my head from the pleasure of it, and more breathy moans escaped from me without my control. It was hard to stay sane when Magnus and I haven't had sex in almost a month and a half. Not since bringing the boys home to live with us.

Something felt different today though. After getting assaulted by paint balloons by my family, we all came home to change clothes before going out to eat. Nowhere unhealthy, of course. Just a small locally owned diner with homemade options that I felt comfortable giving the kids.

The four of us sat at a booth in the back for almost three hours, talking, laughing and joking with one another. Even Rafael was getting in on the fun, looking so completely comfortable to be himself.

When we got home we all sat on the couch and watched a movie together before I read the boys a story and they fell asleep in their beds.

The day was just so... perfect. A giddy feeling took over me, and the moment I walked back into the living room and saw Magnus folding up the couch blankets, something else came over me.

Suddenly my blood was burning, and I was biting my lip as I watched him move around the living room. As I made my way over to him, he turned to me to say something, but didn't even get the chance as I claimed his lips with mine and shoved him back until we stumbled into our bedroom.

"Magnus, I'm not going to last much longer," I moaned softly, my grip getting tighter around his neck. He answered me by biting the underside of my chin, making a louder moan escape from me, as well as my release.

It was so good, that my brain was a fuzzy mess for what felt like ten minutes. When I came out of it, Magnus was helping me off the bed and pulling me to our master bathroom to shower off our activities.

After a nice hot shower, where I may or may not have done some not so parently things to Magnus while on my knees, we got dressed and changed the sheets before getting comfortable in bed together.

I cuddled close, laying my head in the crook of his neck and running my hand up and down his chest soothingly. He smiled and kissed my temple.

"Are you going to tell me what brought that on all of a sudden?"

I shrugged, looking up to meet his eyes. "Guess you could call it pent up sexual frustration. Though I guess seeing you be such a good papa to our boys also played a part."

Magnus chuckled at that. "My being a parent turns you on?"

The heated look in my eyes was all the answer he needed and he chuckled again. "Well, I would be lying if I didn't say seeing you be so good with the boys doesn't get my engine revving sometimes."

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now