A Family Plan (Late) Christmas Special!

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The Family Plan Christmas special

Magnus pov

I laid on the floor of the windowless room, staring up at the ceiling. My feet had been cold, but they've felt that way for so long, that now they were just numb.

I breathed in a super big breath, before slowly blowing it out, watching the air turn into smoke.

"Mama, why can I see my breath?" I asked, tipping my head backwards to stare at my mother. She appeared upside down on the other side of the room, putting makeup on her face while looking in a tiny handheld mirror.

"Because it's so cold outside that your breath is warm. Warm moisture makes steam or fog."

I thought about that for a moment before rolling onto my stomach, so she was no longer upside down. "What are you doing?"

"Putting on makeup."

"Why do you wear makeup?"

"Because it gives me superpowers."

I gasped, sitting up. "How does it give you superpowers?"

She looked at me over her shoulder. "It's a secret."

That made me pout. "I wanna know the secret. Can I try on your makeup?"

She shook her head no. "No can do, little man. Makeup is for mommies."

"But I want superpowers too! Why can't we share?!"

She smiled patently at me. "Sometimes mommies need to have things that are just their own, okay?"

"Aw, no fair," I whined, pouting. She shook her head at me again before putting the makeup away and getting up to come sit by me. "Haven't I told you, life isn't fair," she teased.

I kept pouting but nodded anyway. She kissed the top of my head before smiling. "It's cold enough to see our breath indoors. You know what that means, right?"

I shook my head no.

"It means that it is no doubt December. Christmas is around the corner."

That made me cock my head to the side in confusion. "What's that?"

"It's a very special holiday. Back before living here, I would spend it with my mom, dad, and sister. My sister and I would help mom decorate the house while my dad would claim to supervise, but really would just fall asleep on the couch. On Christmas day Santa puts presents under the tree, and we would all take turns opening them while drinking my dad's homemade hot chocolate. Then the whole extended family comes over and we have a big feast."

I gasped at that. "A feast? What kind of feast? Do you get to eat more than one sandwich?"

"More than that. There's mashed potatoes, turkey, ham, stuffing. Not to mention all the deserts and pies!"

"I don't know what any of those are, but they sound yummy."

"Beyond yummy," she agreed, smiling, before said smile slowly fell from her face and was replaced with sadness. "I really miss doing all that stuff. I miss my family."

I reached out, putting my hand on hers to comfort her. She looked down at it before smiling sweetly at me. "Someday when we get out of here, you'll get to experience all that stuff too, Magnus. I just know my family will love you. They'll spoil you so hard on Christmas you won't know what to do with it all."

"I wanna have Christmas together now. Can we?" I asked.

Mama frowned, looking around the room at what little we had. "I don't know. There's no way we can do any of the stuff I just said."

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