A Very Special Birthday

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A/N: There is some Spanish in this chapter. I do not know how to speak Spanish, but I hope to learn soon. It is a beautiful language. That being said though, I used Google Translator, so if it is a mess, I am very sorry. Hopefully not though. I will have the English translations at the end of the chapter. 

The Family Plan Chapter Twenty: A Very Special Birthday

Alec Pov

"Be honest, do you think it's too much," I asked, looking up at the tall structure in front of me. I had to crane my head all the way back just to see the top of it. Jace did the same before cocking his head to the side to see it from a better angle.

"Well, you got your son a bouncy castle as tall as a single story house so, yeah, maybe a little bit. It's cool as hell though."

Said bouncy house reached for the clouds at a whopping five feet and took up almost half of my parents backyard. Pretty sure you could see it from the front driveway, which will make it hard to keep Max from seeing it before getting to the backyard tomorrow.

"It was a bitch to put together, so no take backs now," My dad yelled from across the yard. He was on a ladder hanging up glittery signs with Max's name on them on the side of the house. Mom was holding the ladder steady, taking a glance back every few seconds to look at the bouncy house and sigh to herself, most likely hating that her yard is now a playground.

"Guys! I think I'm stuck!" Simon called, from somewhere close by. Jace and I wandered to the back of the house and sure enough, we found him being crushed underneath the weight of the inflatable death trap.

"You were supposed to be holding the helium hose, not goofing off," Jace scolded.

Like he was one to talk, he has already jumped in the stupid thing twice. Which is probably how Simon ended up like this.

"I told you guys to wait to blow it up but you ignored me! It fell on top of me and inflated with me underneath it! Grab my arm and pull me out!"

Jace looked at his outstretched hand before turning to me. "I'm parched. Want to go take a lemonade break?"

"That sounds wonderful," I agreed, walking away with him.

"You can't leave me here! Come back!" Simon cried.

We went through the sliding door into my parents house and headed straight for the kitchen where glasses of cold lemonade were already waiting for us. Maia and Lily were sitting at the kitchen Island, going over the desert list I gave them to make. Thank god my parents had a huge kitchen. Their counters were already covered in cupcakes, brownies, and cereal bars.

"Alec, we need to talk about this cake design," Lily stressed for the sixth time since I handed her the sketch. "This is something that would take about a week to make, yet we only have twenty four hours."

"I'm making the cake. I need you both to focus on getting the other desserts done, as well as the finger foods."

"Don't you think you are biting off more than you can chew," Maia asked. "Even with your entire family helping out, we are still behind with baking and decorating. How do you expect to make the cake when we are using the stove for the other treats?"

"I am making the cake at home after Max goes to bed. I don't care if it takes me all night. It is going to be one hundred percent perfect."

I looked around the kitchen, taking in all the work that still needed to be done. "This party needs to be one hundred percent perfect."

Jace put his hands on my shoulders, rubbing the tension out of them. "Don't stress yourself out so much, Alec. Max is going to love the party no matter what happens. Just the fact that he gets a party at all will put him over the moon."

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