Prepare for Trouble

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The Family Plan Chapter Three: Prepare for Trouble

Alec Pov

"I can't believe this. Not only is my daughter having twins, but now my oldest son is adopting two boys of his own? I'm just so happy," my mom cried loudly.

My parents were sitting on our couch helping me go through some parenting books to prepare mentally for Max and Rafael to come home. Dad keeps telling me parenting books are a scam and we don't need them, but I don't want to take any risks.

"We never asked if they have food allergies. We'll have to make sure we get all their information from Julian." I told Magnus, making him nod in agreement.

"You two look like you drank ten cups of coffee." Dad teased, shaking his head at us. "Becoming parents is the most terrifying thing you can do, but it doesn't mean you have to lose your head."

"I feel like my head has already fallen off my shoulders," Magnus sighed.

"You will feel like that for the first month. Hell, maybe even the first year. No matter how much time passes, you never really get a full grasp of it."

"Gee Dad, thanks for the helpful advice," I said sarcastically.

"Hey, it's the truth! I still don't know what's going on with you kids half the time. Parenting is complicated. Once you think you're getting the hang of things, your child throws a curveball at you. For example, when your oldest son comes out as gay and you don't know how to respond at first because you never thought you would have to know anything about that. Suddenly you're forced to look up how dudes have sex so you can give said son 'the talk', making the conversation ten times more awkward for the both of you than it needed to be."

"I wish not to rehash that traumatizing event," I sighed, shivering in discomfort.

"Enough of that," mom interrupted excitedly. "Tell me about my new grandsons."

I rubbed the back of my neck, wondering what I should tell her. The truth? That one of our sons wants nothing to do with us?

What are we going to do if Rafael mouths off to my parents or siblings? I don't want them to think he is a bad kid.

Then again, my parents have experience dealing with a troubled foster child. Maybe they would have some advice to help us.

"Well, the youngest of the boys is named Max. He is very sweet and shy. His brother Rafael on the other hand... do you remember how Jace was when he first came to live with us?"

Both of my parents sucked on their teeth, cringing at the memory.

"How could we ever forget? He was a literal demon. I knew there was a sweet boy underneath it though. He just wanted love." Mom said, thinking about it.

I sighed at that. "Rafael doesn't want to come live with us. He and Max have been sent back to the orphanage twice. I hate the very thought of sending them back a third time. We would never even think of it."

Magnus nodded but I know he was hesitant on even bringing Rafael into our home. The two got off on the wrong foot and I don't see them getting on the right one anytime soon.

Mom thought for a moment before saying, "to help a boy like Rafael, you need to start slow. Give him his space at first but make sure he knows you care for him. He will come to you when he is ready."

"That or when he reaches his breaking point," Dad interjected. "Jace didn't get close to me for the longest time, since he wasn't fond of father figures. It didn't work when I tried to comfort him. He had to be the one who came to me. It wasn't easy, and it did not happen overnight."

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now