Fun at Sunny Hills

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The Family Plan Chapter Two- Fun at Sunny Hills. 

Alec Pov

"You promise that we won't see any kids in cages," Magnus asked, looking up at Sunny Hills orphanage. Jace looked at him like he was crazy.

"Of course we won't. Why do you even think that?"

"Don't ask," I sighed, shaking my head.

"Anyway," Jace said, leading us into the building. "Don't be surprised if the kids try to act super cute around you. When strangers come over, they tend to ham it up in order to convince those people to adopt them."

"I can't tell if that's cute, freaky, or just plane sad," Magnus sighed, looking around.

I shook my head at him. "Please be nice to the children. This is supposed to give you experience with being around them. They aren't going to want to be around you if you aren't nice."

"I'm always nice, Alexander."

We walked through the hallway, looking at the flyers on the wall as we did. They all had smiling children on them with the slogan 'adopt today,' underneath it. Man... it really is starting to feel like a dog shelter in here. These flyers remind me of how people will take the cutest puppy they have in the shelter and take photos of it to pull on people's heartstrings. All the kids in these flyers were adorable.

Magnus was looking at the walls too, and while he was distracted, ran into a kid. Their bodies collide so hard that the kid hit the ground.

"Oh, sorry, are you okay," Magnus asked, reaching out to help the kid up. His hand was slapped away, surprising us both. The boy glared up at Magnus with angry brown eyes, obviously peeved about being knocked over. He couldn't have been more than ten years old, with light brown skin and dark black hair.

"Watch where you're going, Sparkles!" He yelled, getting up on his feet.

"Excuse me? What did you call me," Magnus demanded.

"Are you deaf? I called you Sparkles. What is up with all the glitter on you? You stick out like a disco ball. Bet you stop traffic."

"Okay, you listen here brat," Magnus started, going to get in the kids face but I got in front of him before he could.

"Magnus, you can't throw hands with a child."

"Oh? Watch me," he said trying to get around me. The kid smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What? Does my mouth surprise you? Sorry to break it to you Sparkles, but I'm not like the other kids here. I'm not going to lick your shoes to get you to like me. Screw that."

"Stop calling me Sparkles!" Magnus tried pushing passed me again but I held him in place.

The kid shook his head. "How pathetic," he mumbled before walking away.

"Hey! You get back here you brat!"

"Magnus! Calm down. He's just a kid."

He groaned in frustration before glaring at Jace. "I thought you said these kids were going to ham it up and try to be super cute. There was nothing cute about that kid in the slightest."

"He might have been a foster kid. They tend to not want good attention to themselves."

That made me frown. "Why not?"

He shrugged walking again, making us follow him. "I was a foster kid before your parents took me in. I didn't want to be adopted, since I thought my dad was coming back for me. He never did, but I kept hope that he would. If someone adopted me, I wouldn't be able to go back to my real home. Now that I'm older, I know better. My parents were never coming back, and even if they did, it would have been the wrong thing to do, going back with them."

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now