Saying Goodbye to the Past

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The Family Plan chapter Nineteen: Saying Goodbye to the Past

Magnus POV

"Daddy!" Max yelled from his bedroom. Alec and I were in the living room watching tv, and we could hear our youngest son's feet stomping against the wooden floor as he ran to us. "Daddy, Rafael is being mean to me!"

"I am not," Rafael called from their bedroom.

Alec looked toward the hallway before looking down at Max curiously. "What makes you say he's being mean to you? What did he do?"

"He won't tell me how he hurt his neck," he whined, making Alec and I look at each other frowning.

Rafael walked into the living room and crossed his arms over his chest. "I told you I fell."

"On your neck?"

"People fall on their necks all the time," he answered simply.

Max looked at us pouting. "See, he's lying to me."

Alec smiled and pulled Max onto his lap. "Your brother got nicked on the neck by something sharp. It's just a little scratch so you don't have to worry about it."

"How did he nick his neck," He asked, cuddling close to Alec's chest. Alec shook his head and kissed the top of Max's.

"So many questions. How about you put all that focus into helping me make dinner?"

"Aww but I don't want to," he whined, but Alec was already on his feet and directing him toward the kitchen. I watched them go shaking my head before smirking at Rafael.

"For future reference, 'I fell on my neck' is a weak excuse. Alec used the same one the first time I gave him a hickey and his family saw it. No one believed it for a second."

"Okay, ew. I didn't need to know that," Rafael sighed, turning to go back to his room. I snapped my fingers to get his attention and pointed to the spot where Alec was just sitting.

"Pop a squat my little churro, I need to change your wrap and then we are going to read together."

His nose scrunched up like the thought of sitting here reading with me was the last thing he would ever want. "I thought being home from school meant I didn't have to study."

"Well I have to ground you somehow for skipping class. It's not okay to play hookie, even if it's to spend time with your boyfriend."

His face lit up like a Christmas tree as he glared at me. "Ash is not my boyfriend. He wanted to show me the new art room and thought a break would be good for me. Also, what the heck does 'playing hookie' mean? I don't understand your 'old man' language."

"I keep telling you that I am only twenty-eight," I sighed, grabbing his arm and pulling him to sit down on the couch. He sat, rolling his eyes.

"That's still old."

"Only seventeen years older than you... actually, that just makes me feel even older. Forget I mentioned it."

I pulled the wrap off his neck, frowning at the sight of the cut there. It wrapped almost completely around his neck, and would definitely leave a scar. The cut itself wasn't too deep. We're lucky the knife didn't hit anything vital.

"Is it bad," Rafael asked, not looking at me. I shook my head no and grabbed the new wrap off the coffee table. "Not at all. You will just have a small scar."

He glanced back at me before looking forward again. "If I tell you a secret, will you promise not to laugh at me?"

"Depends on the secret." I teased, grabbing some new wrap and putting it around his neck.

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now