Food Wars

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The Family Plan Chapter six: Food Wars

Magnus pov

"Ragnor, Normally I would be fine with spending six hours trying to figure out what color to paint your wall, but I really need to be getting home soon. Alec has been alone with the boys all day and I'm sure he will need me to look after them while he makes dinner."

I already dropped the ball this morning by not getting up and helping him wake up the kids. I had every intention of doing so. Just wanted to close my eyes for five more minutes. Five minutes turned to a half an hour, and by time I woke up, both kids were leaving the breakfast table.

"I still can't believe someone let you have one child, let alone two," Ragnor scowled, making me stick my tongue out at him.

"Now that's just rude."

"No, he's right," Tessa agreed, making me scoff at her. "You are practically a child yourself. With how much you already complain about young Rafael, I don't know if you have the mental capacity for parenting."

"You both are so mean to me. Where is Catarina? She is the only nice one out of all my friends. I want to hear her take on it."

"Like she has time to butt into your issues. She has been working around the clock at the hospital lately. A lot of accidents have been happening around town lately." Ragnor sighed.

He had a good point. Catarina has been super busy taking care of patients at the hospital. There have been a lot of drunk drivers, hit and runs, and gang violence in town lately. It makes me wonder if this is truly a safe neighborhood to raise our children in.

"Well, if you must go then go. We will pick back up on this tomorrow then," Ragnor shrugged, sitting on the couch. I frowned at that.

"We are crazy booked this month Ragnor. Perhaps we can hold this off until next month. We don't really have the time to spend the whole day picking one thing."

"How rude. You would so easily brush aside your best customer," he asked, crossing his arms. I groaned before looking at Tessa, silently begging her to interject.

"We care very much about you, Ragnor. However, it's not fair to our other clients to give you special treatment. They deserve to have our top priority as well. You understand that, right?"

He thought it through for a moment before sighing. "Fine, but I don't want to wait till the end of the month. Come back next week and we will figure everything out."

A week wasn't nearly enough time, but we accepted it, knowing it was as good as he was going to bend.

"Very well. We will see you at the end of next week," I agreed, before leaving with Tessa. Once on the sidewalk, she held up her hand to get us a taxi.

"How is the whole 'parenting' thing going for you Magnus?"

"Well, it's a lot tricker than I anticipated. Max won't eat anything Alec makes for him and Rafael is still a little shit. He doesn't seem to spit venom at Alec, but he has a pure hatred toward me for some reason."

"Perhaps it's because you push his buttons," she suggested, getting in the taxi once it stopped. I got in after her and told the driver where we were going.

"Maybe, but I don't see that as a bad thing. The kid needs to be challenged. He seems to think that if he treats us badly enough, we will send him back to the orphanage. The little guy thinks his mom is coming back for them, and I understand not wanting to let go of that hope."

I frowned slightly, looking out the window. "If there was a way for me to see my mom again, I would fight tooth and nail to make it happen."

Tessa rubbed my arm in sympathy. "Your mother is no longer on this earth. Rafael's mother on the other hand could be in this very city. So close, yet so far. I'm sure the poor thing looks for her face in every crowd."

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